lupercus in nocturne_alley @ 2002-08-14 13:46:00 |
Current mood: | stern and professorly |
Mr Weasley and Mr Malfoy, that is enough.
There will be no discussion as to who started this shameless display of childish behaviour. The fact of the matter is that you are both flinging dangerous hexes around in a public area, and - to be blunt - making asses of yourselves in the process. You will cease and desist this reckeless disregard for saftey and common sense.
Thirty points each, from both your houses, and a week of detentions for the both of you. You will serve them together, under my supervision, starting tonight. If I hear of another incident such as this, that sentence will be doubled. Do I make myself clear?
Harry, if you would please finish up your journal entry quickly, and get Mr Longbottom out of the closet? I'm afraid he's in the one with the Boggart, and the last thing we need right now is Professor Snape in a housedress roaming the castle.
And don't forget about that essay I asked you for, Mr Malfoy. Three feet of parchment, by Friday. Mr Weasley, I want one from you as well, on the typical household usages of Class X and XX Magical Creatures. Same length, same deadline. Understand?
Now, I suggest you make yourselves scarce, for when Professors Snape and McGonagall hear of the house points you've lost today, I expect they will be none too pleased. And, in your case, Mr Weasley, I would avoid Miss Granger for the same reason as well, lest you wind up with a pair of tomatoes elsewhere other than on either side of your head.
As for the rest of you, don't you have somewhere else to be?
lupercus @ 2002-08-14 02:22 pm UTC |
That's all right, Harry. I can't imagine that it's easy to write when your monitor keeps crawling away.
Before you go, let me do something about that extra scar...
Dermus Reparo!
There you go. a
scotchtartan @ 2002-08-14 07:39 pm UTC |
Kudos to you for being the voice of reason during this horrid display, Professor Lupin. I rather think your punishment of Mister Weasley was too mild- though I'm sure the Owl I posted to his mother a short time ago should take care of that nicely.
Good show. I've extended MFS to you for another thirty-seven and five-eighths hours.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 08:31 pm UTC |
WHAT?! BUT! Professor! Malfoy started it first! Why are you owling my parents and not his!? Professor Snape WON'T be giving Malfoy any detention even though he was the one who turned Harry's computer into a frog FIRST! Professor!
(parent)lupercus @ 2002-08-14 10:31 pm UTC |
Mr Weasley, the reason your parents recieve an owl when you do something wrong and Mr Malfoy's do not is because your parents take an active hand in your life, and keeping them informed of your behaviour actually makes an iota of difference. Suffice it to say, Mr Malfoy does not have the same sort of guidance. I know it's a bit hard to understand, but trust me, Ron, when I say that you should be glad your parents send you Howlers. It means that they care (even if it leaves you a bit deaf, afterwards).
Also, do not forget, Malfoy did recieve detentions from me. I do not hesitate to punish students - regardless of who they are - who disobey the rules - as you may well remember after a certain incident involving Harry, and a peculiar piece of parchment?
Don't forget your next detention, tomorrow night, immediately after classes. You might want to bring a change of robes. You have been warned.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 10:39 pm UTC |
Professor! LUCIUS MALFOY has a JOURNAL! That is very bloody active if you ask me! I'm already serving detention, I don't think my parents need to know about this, I mean really, they are very busy and all, so, you know...
Are we going swimming tomorrow?
lupercus @ 2002-08-14 10:48 pm UTC |
I am aware that Lucius Malfoy has a journal, though I do not think that my opinion of this matter should be the sort of thing discussed with a student. Suffice it to say, that is not parenting, it is megalomania.
Your parents have been informed, Ron. Just... remember, you're a Gryffindor for a reason. Try to find that reason - I know it's there, I've seen it myself - inside of you. Anyone can put up a good fight, Mr Weasley, but the truly brave stick around to deal with the aftermath.
And, if you would be so kind, also take that inevitable Howler out into the corridor before you open it? Werewolves have sensitive hearing, and your mother's voice can be . . . it carries extremely well. I would appreciate it, and I might see fit to make your next detention less a punishment and more interesting. We'll see.
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 11:12 pm UTC |
Professor, what on earth does megdgciklwffcnia mean?
Also! Since I'm brave enough to stick around after the mess, maybe you shuold owl my parents about my bravery instead becaus I think that will be a bloody brillant idea. Thanks!
lupercus @ 2002-08-15 12:15 am UTC |
"Megdgciklwffcnia" or "megalomania," Ron, means 'a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur.'
Basically, it's a way to decribe someone who is very, very full of himself.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-15 12:24 am UTC |
Well! That explains why Percy likes to use those bomvjysdyscistic words then!
(parent)scotchtartan @ 2002-08-15 05:22 pm UTC |
Calm yourself, Mister Weasley. Mister Malfoy has already been suitably punished for his actions by Professor Lupin. The manner in which Professor Snape addresses the internal discipline of his house is neither your business nor mine.
Your mother sent me a lovely crocheted tea cosy in thanks for my Owl. Expect Mail at breakfast.
lupercus @ 2002-08-14 10:28 pm UTC |
Ah, there's nothing like a Weasley Howler to go with breakfast. Though, I am somewhat grateful I was not here during the twins' glory days - I believe Professor Snape once said they'd recieved no less than twelve Howlers in a single week? Ronald, it would seem, is competing strongly for the record.
I shall relish every second I spend in your good graces, Professor McGonagall. Right down to the last eighth.
jadedsirius @ 2002-08-14 08:39 pm UTC |
Oh, Remus, I love it when you're stern and professorly...
lupercus @ 2002-08-14 10:33 pm UTC |
I'm certain you'd like me even more were I particularly bitter and malevolent. Perhaps if I wore more black...?
And please, no flirting in front of the students. It's unseemly, and might make them jealous.