eloisemidgen in nocturne_alley @ 2002-08-18 22:23:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Cough. Hack. Splutter.
Thank you Harry Potter for this wonderful cold I've been suffering with all week.
Without you, we would never have spent those wonderful hours bonding as a house, set upon by hoardes of house elves, and exposing ourselves to terrible spell-resedue and potions drippings in the dregs of the kitchen.
And just think! If I hadn't enjoyed those fumes and vapours for all those hours, I might not've spent this past week sick in bed! I think I slept through most of Tuesday and Wednesday and have been out of my head in fever and pain! Madam Pomfrey has been plying me with Pepperups and lollies all week, but nothing did the trick until my grandmama sent some lovely chicken noodle flavoured Heal-All-Soup from New York.
Sometimes I throw a temper fit. But not often.
This week was one of those times. I've missed a number of classes and quidditch practises, and when I tried to help Ron early in the week with some charms pracises, all I could do was sneeze in the middle of the incantations.
Things are looking up this week, though. Ron must be pleased, as his detentions were lifted. Perhaps I should see if he is interested in more charms work?
If he needs me, I'll be in the library, investigating magical means of germ warfare.