finch_fletchley in nocturne_alley @ 2002-08-19 22:59:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
I feel awful. Thanks to the detention that all of us Hufflepuffs had to serve in Harry Potter's place, Eloise caught a nasty cold. She was most sick almost all of last week. Then when she started feeling better on Friday, I started feeling bad. By Saturday evening, Madame Pomfrey declared me officially sick and restricted me to bed rest.
Eloise kind of felt bad, but it's not her fault that she got sick. In fact, almost everyone in Hufflepuff has come down with something or other. We shouldn't be sick. We shouldn't have had to serve detention at all. It's not like I think Professor Snape is the best teacher in the school, but how hard is it to make a simple potion? How come Harry just can't get it right? And now I'm stuck here with a cold and Susan has a terrible cough. My entire weekend was ruined. We had to cancel quidditch practice last Saturday because of our house detention, and then we had to cancel quidditch practice last week and this past Saturday because everyone was either already sick or was starting to become sick.
We have a match against Gryffindor this Saturday and we are completely unprepared. I wish that I could feel more strongly about it, but my head feels like it's about to explode. I'm snapping at everyone and Susan is on edge too. Ernie has written to his father for advice on how to repel spells that would weaken our team while we're all sick. I think I'm beginning to agree with the others here. Just because everyone thinks that Hufflepuffs are dull, they think they have the right to walk all over us. The only satisfaction I can have is when Ravenclaw and Slytherin have to serve detention too. If Harry shapes up all of a sudden so that Ravenclaw and Slytherin don't have to do detention, I will be most cross.
Eloise has just shown up with a new batch of pepperup potions, and she is now scolding me for being out of bed. I'm just too angry not to write, and also I don't want to lose any more points for not doing my journal homework. Even if this isn't talking about just homework. Someone has to say something. I agree with Eloise. Thanks a lot, Harry.
eloisemidgen @ 2002-08-20 03:10 am UTC |
What in Merlin's name are you doing?
Justin Finch-Fletchley, I am going to get you into bed if it's the last thing I do!
finch_fletchley @ 2002-08-21 04:14 am UTC |
I'm sorry Eloise! But I didn't want any more points taken from Hufflepuff. You saw Professor Snape's post. If we get detention, it won't be because I didn't do my homework.
(parent)hannahabbott @ 2002-08-20 06:27 pm UTC |
Eloise has just shown up with a new batch of pepperup potions, and she is now scolding me for being out of bed.
And so she should, Justin! You need to be in bed resting, so you can throw off this awful cold! I'm going to pop down to the kitchens and see if I can rustle you up some hot chocolate...with does that sound?
finch_fletchley @ 2002-08-21 04:13 am UTC |
Thanks Hannah, that sounds really good. It's too bad I can't taste anything, though. -.-
(parent)eloisemidgen @ 2002-08-21 07:39 am UTC |
An infusion of peppermint might improve the hot chocolate for you. Shall I arrange for one of the house elves to bring you some?