knight_to_h3 in nocturne_alley @ 2002-08-21 08:55:00 |
Current mood: | bloody busy |
I have no sodding time to keep up with this stupid journal and it is ALL Malfoy's fault. YES, AGAIN! Thanks to him, I got to see a placenta. A placenta! Have you ever SEEN a placenta?! Thank your lucky stars if you haven't because it is just, UGH!! I don't know how Professor Lupin deals with immortality but when I saw that bloody mess explode out from another bloody mess after the other bloody mess was born, I was pretty darn ready to just drop dead and die. Anyway, I don't know why but Professor Lupin called off the rest of our detention and I thought, hooray! I'm free! But no! Malfoy had to go and be a clumsy ox and destroyed the Sleeping Potion yesterday and got ME in detention! He didn't even get points deducted, mind you, and Harry was in comatose under the table so he couldn't be my eye witness. Not that Professor Snape would have believed him anybloodyway! And now I'm late for detention because I overslept because I had nightmares the whole bloody night because Hermione told me what Madam Hooch was talking about which just makes no sod sense in the world because it just doesn't and now I've to go report to my favourite Professor for detention. Good bloody bye.
onourbrooms @ 2002-08-21 09:29 am UTC |
I feel entirely gratified to know something I mentioned gave you nightmares. Even if you were apt to have them anyway because of your unfortunate encounter with placenta. Ah yes, placenta, that tissue which joins the mother to her fetus. Did you know it provides the fetus with oxygen, water, and food from the mother's blood and secretes the hormones necessary for successful pregnancy? Such a useful thing, placenta. Carbon dioxide and other wastes are passed back through the placenta. These will be processed and excreted by the mother, an occurance which I'm sure you're quite well-informed about having viewed it first-hand.
Having said this, I trust your dreams in future shall be wholly pleasant, Mr. Weasley.
la_pensee @ 2002-08-21 04:12 pm UTC |
Madame Hooch, have you ever considered teaching a Health Class?
(parent)onourbrooms @ 2002-08-23 08:46 pm UTC |
Thankfully for you, I wouldn't dream of depriving your parents the joys of explaining such *interesting* details. I was merely helping to further a student's education on a fact of life he seems to be enthralled with.
la_pensee @ 2002-08-21 03:05 pm UTC |
I'm sorry about your detention, Ron, and I understand why you're so upset, but I hardly think it's fair for you to blame Draco entirely for the incident. He's an ace at potions and he's hardly clumsy so there must be some other explanation for what happened yesterday.
blushcrush @ 2002-08-22 01:01 am UTC |
Oh, do smile, Ron! :( Er, I've got a chocolate frog in one of my drawers somewhere... d'you want it? Please take it!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2002-08-22 01:05 am UTC |
*cries* I'll hit you with a Cheering Charm if you don't!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-22 01:07 am UTC |
Don't cry! I'll hit YOU will a Cheering Charm if you do! Keep the Chocolate Frog for me, I'll see you after detention, alright?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-22 01:13 am UTC |
Smile, will you! Don't make me give you whiskers now!
(parent)blushcrush @ 2002-08-22 01:23 am UTC |
:O No! No fair! I'll smile!
You are not only taller, you are also more likely to trip over your own two feet!
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-22 01:26 am UTC |
That doesn't count! Rabbit ears for you then!
You're only smarter because I let you win!
![]() blushcrush @ 2002-08-22 01:28 am UTC |
Sort of like I let you beat me at chess all the time? :D
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-22 01:31 am UTC |
BUT, NO! >:o I rule the chess world, damn you! More like how we let Percy beat us at those dumb word games ;)
![]() blushcrush @ 2002-08-22 01:34 am UTC |
Of course! :o His bawds wouldn't like him if he lost.
You smiled too! My work here is done.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-22 01:37 am UTC |
HAHA! Percy Weasley and his Ambitious Bawds! Sounds like a good name for a band, don't you think?
You still owe me a Chocolate Frog, don't forget!
perfectprefect @ 2002-08-22 05:14 am UTC |
Oh, Ronald, your bitterness overwhelms you. You do not see me lingering over the fact that you made - well, that atrocious term - earlier, do you?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-22 05:18 am UTC |
I'm not BITTER! I'm AMUSED! There's a big difference there and YOU should know, Mr Dictionary!
(parent)![]() perfectprefect @ 2002-08-22 05:25 am UTC |
Sigh. Ronald, Ronald, Ronald. Angry Ronald. Your perception is skewed due to your recent losses. Surely if you were not bitter you would not accuse me of inventing words that are checked by a dictionary.
![]() perfectprefect @ 2002-08-22 05:12 am UTC |
I do not have any bawds. Virginia, Ronald has become a bad influence on you. You know better than this.
blushcrush @ 2002-08-22 05:17 am UTC |
Oh, dear... I'm sorry, Percy, we were only joking. I know you don't have any bawds. However, you were the one that taught me the word, so it is really you being a bad influence, isn't it?
(parent)![]() perfectprefect @ 2002-08-22 05:20 am UTC |
I was only implementing my letters to form the best word possible that I could! 'B' is worth two points. 'W' is worth four. Clearly this was a decision anyone with my vernacular would have made.
blushcrush @ 2002-08-22 05:22 am UTC |
Well, so was Ron when he laid down - you know. That other B-word.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2002-08-22 05:23 am UTC |
There is a difference, Virginia! Ronald was merely hoping to use an offensive word that he was not even certain actually existed; whereas I was using a word that I knew existed. Certainly you can see that!
perfectprefect @ 2002-08-22 05:11 am UTC |
Balderdash, Ronald. Need I remind you that this is coming from the brother of mine that did not know what 'joust' meant? I understand that you are bitter about your losses, but there is no need to pretend that you have let me win.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2002-08-22 05:27 am UTC |
I believe that if you check with a dictionary, Ronald, you will find that you are mistaken. Perhaps you might look into seeking some extracurricular grammatical assistance from Hermione. I am certain that she would be happy to inform you that my words, indeed, exist.
Sighing with impatience,
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-22 05:29 am UTC |
I will be sure to ask Hermione about your bawds, Percy!
Rolling with laughter,
![]() perfectprefect @ 2002-08-22 05:31 am UTC |
Ronald, your maturity (or complete lack thereof) is astounding.