boot_boy in nocturne_alley @ 2002-09-01 02:32:00 |
Current mood: | artistic |
Current music: | The Floo Fighters |
I am surrounded by snarking Philistines who do not understand my Art. Not everyone in this bloody school is a dunderheaded yob obsessed with Quidditch and House Points, you know. Some of us see through this grand illusion we call Life to the churning void that lies beneath. Most of my stolid peers are simply to cowardly to embrace the darkness. Fie upon them, and their stupid slumber parties.
Not that Quidditch isn't a bit of fun to watch when played correctly. I've enjoyed a few games. I like watching Ron Weasley play; he knows how to handle his balls.
As if I needed another proof that life is a meaningless lottery of undeserved tragedy, I had to serve detention today because someone else's mistake. Cleaning out the latrines with toothbrushes took all afternoon; I wrecked the knees on my new trousers and I feel a cold coming on. I suppose all poets have to suffer for their art at some point or another but I wish I could suffer somewhere that didn't smell quite so much like pee.
Caught Eloise Midgen glaring at me over supper again; just because I know about her crush on Weasley she sees fit to torment me. Oh Midgen, Midgen, you know not what you do.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-09-01 12:53 am UTC |
Uh, well Quidditch is a pretty darn wicked game so it's no surprise that everyone would be obsessed with it, you know. But cheers, I don't think I've seen any of your Art but I'm sure you handle your paintbrush well, too!
Oh and, Midgen has a crush on Ginny?!
blushcrush @ 2002-09-01 01:44 am UTC |
Er, Ron... I'm not really sure Terry's referring to me. :)
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-09-01 03:52 am UTC |
So it's true, then, the rumour that has been going around Hufflepuff about a certain crush on a red-haired Gryffindor!!! ^_~
Ron, apparently you weren't paying attention when Parvie and I were discussing this most important topic at breakfast today!!!!
And Terry! I <333333 the Floo Fighters! Have you heard that one song, "(Floo Your Way Back Home, If You Can't) Learn to Fly"??? My favouritest!!! :D :D :D
![]() eloisemidgen @ 2002-09-01 07:17 am UTC |
It is not a crush. I simply told Terry that I was impressed by the way Ron was establishing his broomstick during a recent Quidditch practise, and Terry, being the total sport-hating goth boy with black sparkly fingernails that he is, chose to interprit that as something utterly other than what I was actually talking about.
Clearly, I can never talk to him again. Terry, I mean. Not Ron. No, Ron, I will certainly talk with you whenever you ask. Do you need some soup? How about some strawberry-flavoured Pepperup Potion?
boot_boy @ 2002-09-01 10:02 pm UTC |
*coughs* Actually, I don't paint. I write poetry. If you'd ever like to see any of it, seem the sort that might appreciate it.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-09-02 09:19 am UTC Re: |
Uh.. poetry? I don't really enjoy rhyming although I wrote a poem for Hermione once (well, Ginny helped but I did most of the rhyming)..
(parent)eloisemidgen @ 2002-09-01 07:25 am UTC |
You have a cold coming on?
Just to show there's no hard feelings, Terry, dear, I will make you some Pepperup, but I only have ingredients for the sort that makes your fingernails all peach coloured and sparkley.
Will that do?
onourbrooms @ 2002-09-01 05:10 pm UTC |
Much as I find it perversely amusing that you condemn Midgen for her interest in Weasley and then admit to enjoy watching the same handle his balls, keep the latter between yourself and your hand, Boot.
boot_boy @ 2002-09-01 10:01 pm UTC |
I am not sure what you are implying, Madam Hooch, but your attitude towards me reinforces my feeling of relief that my delicate condition prevents me from having to take flying classes from a Neanderthal such as yourself.
potions_master @ 2002-09-02 02:58 pm UTC |
Tsk tsk, Mr. Boot.
You would think that being an overly sensitive artistic soul that you claim to be that you would show some degree of etiquette. However, since you need a refresher course, I am certain that a detention to be served with Madame Hooch is just what the doctor ordered.
Good Afternoon.
-Professor Snape