erniemacmillan in nocturne_alley @ 2002-09-08 21:50:00

Current mood: anxious

NO sympathy for the devil. NONE!
Well, in case anyone didn't know, I had to spend ALL of Friday afternoon in the damn hospital wing because Malfoy hexed me! And Professor Binns didn't even do anything about it! My equilibrium was completely shot to hell, I thought I was going to puke, everything was upside down, and I couldn't even stand up! Poor Justin had to try and carry me to the hospital wing, and he kept hitting my head on the ground (sorry, mate, I know it's not your fault), which just made everything worse.

I KNOW Malfoy just hexed me because I'm a Hufflepuff. He was sleeping, and he just woke up and hexed me! Talk about waking up on the wrong side of the desk! Maybe I've had it all wrong. Maybe Potter isn't in cahoots with Snape after all. Maybe Malfoy's the one working with Snape. Oh, sure, Snape is subtle, all right. Giving detention to everyone (except, of course for Slytherin, in case no one's noticed), but Malfoy obviously doesn't care much for subtlety. He just goes right in for the kill!

THEN, he threatened Justin and me in the computer lab once I'd finally got my head on straight. Oh, but I'm not falling for that. No sir, not me, not Ernie Macmillan. I've got a nice pair of snowboots and by golly I'm wearing them. And I suggested that the rest of Hufflepuff ought to wear them too, you know, for traction. Oh yes, Malfoy, your number is up! Your balderdash might work on the rest of this school, but this Hufflepuff has a nose for news and I'm not falling for any of your little tricks.

Justin and Susan are still at Hogsmeade so I've spent the whole day researching I think I've figured out a pattern, and I can't say much here, but we really ought to be getting a better lock on our window, Justin. That's ALL I'm gonna say.


hannahabbott @ 2002-09-08 08:15 pm UTC

I hope you're okay, Ernie.
Could we talk later? There are some things I need to say.

~ Hannah

erniemacmillan @ 2002-09-08 08:43 pm UTC

Okay, but if you're gonna take off House Points I'll just have you know that I've already finished my Transfiguration scroll.

hannahabbott @ 2002-09-08 08:59 pm UTC

I'm not going to take house points...I promise. *smiles weakly*
How does this afternoon sound? How about we go for a walk around the lake?
- Hannah

erniemacmillan @ 2002-09-08 10:08 pm UTC

Okay Hannah. Alright. But, try not to turn on your feminine charm, okay?

hannahabbott @ 2002-09-08 11:02 pm UTC

I didn't realise I had any feminine charm. :startled:

I'll meet you in the Entrance Hall at 4:30.

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-09-09 08:02 am UTC

Malfoy is really mean!!! But we all know that.

It's really strange to see you going to classes in snowboots, Ernie!!! You make me and Parvie giggle so hard!!! :)

But at least your snowboots are pretty!! :D

Your friend,
~*~~*Lavender Brown*~~*~

erniemacmillan @ 2002-09-09 03:15 pm UTC

Safety is no laughing matter, Lavender.
