blondenarcissa in nocturne_alley @ 2002-09-20 13:40:00 |
Current mood: | absolutely fabulous |
Current music: | Barry Manticore |
Dear Draco,
I am dreadfully sorry that I have not been keeping up with owling you. This past holiday sent me through the throws of exhaustion and back again. Apparating back to the Manor from Crete with all of the absolutely fabulous garments, shoes, and other small lovelies was simply taxing, Darling. Of course, I'm quite sure the house elves might have been a bit peaked from attending to all my things. It is certainly a good thing that those vermin can carry up to twelve times their body weight, no?
I do have quite a few marvelous things I picked up for you whilst cavorting about the island free of your father for a few intoxicating days. Intoxicating as in giddy, Dear, not alcoholic. Do be a good boy and not listen to every little insufferably wrong thing your father says about me constantly. Between you and me, you father simply went mad from loneliness whilst I was abroad. Can you blame him, really? If I had to lay about the Manor with no one interesting to converse with for that long, I am quite sure that I would have become a bit off as well. Getting back to the point at hand, the next time you return home (and I do hope that will be soon, as I miss you terribly) I will be sure to have quite a few surprises for you. I would owl these little gifts at Hogwarts, but more often than not I have been dissatisfied with owl parcel delivery.
It distresses me to think that your father has been considering having you sent to Durmstrang. Honestly, Darling! Does he not recall what his skin looked like many moons ago when we, young and foolish, took a tour of Siberia in hopes of scouting an area to build a dragon breeding developement? I can assure you that he looked [i]quite[/i] unnattractive and not unlike your very wrinkled Charms professor. Mercifully, his skin healed within a few weeks and he resumed his handsome Malfoy appearance. In addition to what that sort of cold could do to your precious and sensitive Malfoy skin, you would be surrounded by savagely dressed children with bad accents! My sweet boy, I am absolutely horrified at just the though of what might happen to you if you became associated with such filth! I also realize that you may not have the same opportunities for advancement at that inferior school as you have had at Hogwarts. You are certain to be Head Boy next term and I will not have you risk missing out on such a prestigious opportunity.
All my love,
P.S. Have you gone to the library and found that book yet, Darling? Do let me know if you have been unable to secure it, as I can happily send you another copy.
potterstinks @ 2002-09-21 01:29 am UTC |
Of course, I simply cannot go to Durmstrang. It seems Father has relented in his decision - perhaps because he realised it simply would not do to have my speech dirtied. Really, who knows what might have happened if I'd picked up an accent?
Yes, Mother, I'll be home over the Christmas hols, of course, and it seems owling anything more than food to Hogwarts is getting more and more dangerous. Since, of course, the house-elves have begun stalking me, Father has had to replace far too many items from the Manor. The hassle is bothersome. Of course, it will be good to return to the Manor for the holidays, as at least our house-elves are well trained.
Yes, Mother, I am sure Father was left with nothing to do at the Manor while you were gone. Father is a very busy man, of course, so I'm sure he found something to do.
Give my regards to Father.
The heir to the throne,
blondenarcissa @ 2002-09-21 06:19 am UTC |
Dear Draco,
I was most appalled at your news of the house elves stalking you! Surely you have spoken to the Headmaster about this? Although I do admit that they are useful creatures, the very thought of having one shadowing your every move is quite disturbing. If your Headmaster is unwilling to help you, I suppose you may just have to revert to your father's way of forcing them to take their leave: a well-placed kick ought to do the trick. Do let me know if this continues to be a problem; I would be more than willing to travel in to discuss this issue and quite a number of others with your Headmaster.