goyle in nocturne_alley @ 2002-10-27 10:59:00 |
wot this subject i doant gett it
so i had detenshun wif mamad pinser well i ges it cud hav bin wors you no but ennyway i wus puting buks on shelfs thet gott nokked off by uther yeers and thayn i had to stey longger becose i didnt qwite get them in alfibettical order and how can she espekt me to do fings in alfibetical order wen i can bearly spel my oan nayme its ridikkulus.
im prity disgested wif the wae sum teechers and hows they akting its umprofeshunal and im goeing to get drayco to help me rite hoam sins his riting his neeter and muvver can reed gud.
thers anuvver borl! and profesor mcgonagull sed i shudnt mis anuvver one im so antesoshul! wot dus that meen> ges i shud mayk an owtfit i wil dres as a toad or sumthing girls doant sem to lyke toads! and is sposed to be scairee.
i fink me speling goten wers if fat wer possubul must try ewsing dicshunary agen wunder were it is. mayb collin wud no wer is collin now? maybe hes in gryffinder room thats scary ill ask sumwon else.
drayco muterd sumthing abowt a parte and how wer invyted but he finks i wudnt lyke it he sed it fast and ran uff (wel worked of malfoys never rush is wot my farver ses) wel i dont now if thers free food and no gryffindorks it may be okay
mayb he dust wont me ther! but wy? im almost pasing charms now wich is a serprise i doant tend to get fings until daes befor exams o wel its good, rite? i hope so.
i haf to go sumwon is poaking my left eye carnt see hoo it is.
Gregory Goyle.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-10-27 05:36 am UTC |
Omigod, you're coming as a toad??? That is so cute! :D:D:D
love the froggies,
sinistra @ 2002-10-28 05:39 am UTC |
Mr. Goyle, if it's the Malfoy Gala you're referring to, it's my duty to inform you that you won't be enjoying any of the free food. You will be spending Saturday evening in detention with Mr Filch, assuming he acts professionally enough for you.
goyle @ 2002-10-28 11:38 am UTC |
miss why do i hav detenshun then only i alreddy hav won from profesor snape for poter wot did i do this time??
and i din reely meen id wont to go to the malfoy gallery thing anyway id just like drayco onse in a wile to reelise im not just a handy dorpost if yu no wot i meen.
potterstinks @ 2002-10-28 10:04 pm UTC |
I've chosen not to take any guests along to the Gala, and since the food is ordered by the headcount, were I to take any along now, the guests would have to starve. Since you can't go and all, I'll write your letter home for you.
goyle @ 2002-10-28 11:10 pm UTC |
thanks yor the gratest wizard in the hole world draco powerful and kind how do yu do it? potter and them giys doant no how.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-10-28 11:53 pm UTC |
It's just one of the many things that comes with being a Malfoy, Goyle. I've written your letter. Feel free to not change anything.
Dearest Mother and Father,
How have you been? I regret to inform you that Hogwarts has been absolutely atrocious as of late. Professor Snape--though still a brilliant and admirable man--has been given little choice but to continue on with his chain of horrifying detentions, due to the House Heads from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor complaining that Slytherin had failed to receive punishment in lieu of Harry Potter being punished in his own right. Unfortunately, this has meant that Professor Snape had begun doling detentions out to we Slytherins based upon Harry Potter's actions. Naturally, Potter has refused to do anything to halt Professor Snape's endeavours, and I myself recently had to serve detention with Madam Pince.
As you are certainly well aware, I've often been troubled by grammar and spelling. This detention was one that was not only tedious and dull, but a humiliation, as I was asked to alphabetise texts despite my lack of ability in this field. I have a sneaking suspicion that this detention was given to me only to humiliate me; surely I could have been given a detention of menial labour, if in fact I was forced to serve one at all.
Additionally, the staff has been acting absolutely childish. As I have undoubtedly informed you previously, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin have both been instated as professors this term. Black has yet to realise that he is a professor, and thus relishes in relating tales of his conquests over the community journal for each and every one of us to read. I myself have been made privvy to the innermost scandalous details of my so-called professors, and I feel that I am in danger of becoming mentally and emotionally scarred in consequence. The unprofessional actions of my professors are making it understandably difficult to concentrate while I am in their care during lessons. What reason am I at Hogwarts, if not to learn? How am I to learn when I am faced with the immaturity of Professor Black on a daily basis? Surely I cannot be expected to learn from these professors by day and read their lurid thoughts by night. Frankly, Mother, Father, I am beginning to feel that this shall not endure.
Let us not forget that it was the actions of the other professors that caused me to receive my detention with Madam Pince. If not for their immature cries of, "It's not fair!", Slytherin would have remained unscathed. Certainly Slytherin receiving detention shall be of no consequence to Harry Potter's behaviour. The ridiculousness of this situation has gone far beyond such solutions as ignoring the problem and hoping that it will go away. Action must be taken. Draco Malfoy, who is, of course, the brilliant Slytherin Prefect and Lucius Malfoy's son, has written to Mr. Malfoy already. I am certain that Lucius Malfoy shall be speaking with the Headmaster in this regard; however, I feel that writing to you is an additionally good idea. Perhaps if enough of the Slytherin parents realise that their children are in danger of being corrupted, Headmaster Dumbledore will finally have no choice but to attempt fixing the hole he has buried us all in.
I shall see you over the holidays.
Your son,
Gregory Goyle