lockerygildhart in nocturne_alley @ 2002-05-20 23:47:00

Current mood:gloomy
Current music:Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead

Oh, Darqueness...
The dark surrounds us.

The hate that permeates these walls fortifies me until I see the blonde bitch god, Draco, walk through the halls of Hogwarts tomorrow. I will attempt to sit next to him in Potions. does he, I wonder, like bondage? The blackest inky black angst in my heart would be made only the more ebony by knowing him more, but I'm so goth that I no longer care.

I will close my eyes to the day and post again tomorrow if sweet death does not come for me.

I really hope this isn't a public journal.


lockerygildhart @ 2002-05-21 01:44 am UTC

Hello! Who's this? Ah! Bitch gods, yes, yes, very well, very well! Hello! My, but you are shadowy! Ooh, very scary this, sort of like a witch, eh? Heehe!

Oh, well, hello! Hate to say hello and goodbye, but I'm not quite sure who you are, miss! Very well!