sinistra in nocturne_alley @ 2003-03-02 00:31:00

Current mood:perturbed

Another day, another Galleon.
I have felt for a long time now that I must make a journal entry to express the joy of my profession. There is no other profession in which you can watch youths grow and learn.

Just to provide a fine example of the passion for learning that youth has, I assigned the sixth years an Astronomy Watch last week. They were merely to watch the night skies and record. They did this unattended, as watching a group of sixth years write things down is very boring indeed.

Ms Bones provides us with a simply riveting piece of work. Personally, I wonder if it's abstract.

It would appear that Ms Patil does not wish to make it to her seventh year, even with those hips.

And finally, Mr Potter answers all of life's questions.

Truly, this lacklustre performance speaks for itself.

My mother was correct. Teaching is a reward like no other.


percyneedsalife @ 2003-03-01 11:23 pm UTC

All right, professor?

What, you mean no Gryffindors charmed their papers to turn themselves into paper aeroplanes and fly around the room trying to knock your hat off? George and I are going to have to have words.


arithmantra @ 2003-03-02 07:26 am UTC

Really, Silvia, I am shocked and alarmed at you. The very idea--do you honestly think that mocking the children will enable them to learn any better? I must say, surely there is some sort of school policy against flaunting the students' papers in public for all to see. If there isn't, then I can't imagine why their shouldn't be. Although I wonder if you would have been so eager to do so had any of them suggested on their reports that their inability to observe was due to inefficient teacher supervision.

Also, rose quartz is not especially helpful for stomach pains. Although in your case I would recommend bathing in garlic instead--the difference in smell would only be minimal, and garlic is an excellent cure for warts.

sinistra @ 2003-03-08 04:04 pm UTC

You know quite well, Hilduh, that it has always been quite within the learning process to allow pupils to learn from the examples of others.

Sylvia "Not Silvia" Sinistra.
