lupercus in nocturne_alley @ 2003-03-17 16:56:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | "Whiskey In the Jar," Thin Lizzy |
Owl Post: To Staff, and 5th through 7th year Students
Hope to see you all there. There's plenty of room for overnight guests, as well, so let us know if you would like to stay through the weekend. just_harry, Sirius insists you stay. Godfathery business, I expect.
Oh, and could whomever released the leprechauns in the Great Hall please be so kind as to round them up by the end of the day? They're festive, and all, but causing quite a disturbance with the flinging of gold everywhere. Might I remind our students that leprechaun gold vanishes in a few hours, so there is no need to be so vehement in collecting it.
Also: they bite.
jadedsirius @ 2003-03-17 06:33 pm UTC |
Remus, one thing. Is it really necessary to invite all the staff?
lupercus @ 2003-03-17 06:44 pm UTC |
Well, why not? I mean, it would be rather petty to be selective, don't you think?
- R.
jadedsirius @ 2003-03-17 06:47 pm UTC |
I hope you have plenty of protective spells in place, then.
lupercus @ 2003-03-17 07:36 pm UTC |
Nonsense, Sirius. I'll have the standard wards up of course (because You-Know-Who is very much not invited) but there's no need to be paranoid.
Are you afraid of someone rifling through my sock drawer, what?
- RL
jadedsirius @ 2003-03-17 09:40 pm UTC |
I wasn't worried about your underwear, no, Remus.
I am merely concerned about the combination of certain people. In one room. With alcohol.
You see my point.
lupercus @ 2003-03-17 09:46 pm UTC |
Ah. I see.
No worries, Padfoot my dear. I'll see to it you're kept safe from a castle full of your former conquests. No one will violate you without express written permission.
And even, then I shall only grant it to myself.
By the way, tomorrow's the full moon. Up for a frolic?
- Moony
jadedsirius @ 2003-03-17 09:54 pm UTC |
Forgive me if I don't feel reassured.
And I'll be doing the violating, thank you.
You know I'm always up for a frolic...
lupercus @ 2003-03-17 09:57 pm UTC |
Trust me, Sirius. It'll be fine. Have a little faith.
- R.
jadedsirius @ 2003-03-17 10:06 pm UTC |
Hm. I remain skeptical.
Damn it, I found another leprechaun. in my bath. If I find out who was behind this...
lupercus @ 2003-03-17 10:24 pm UTC |
No skepticism allowed in my presence, Black.
The leprechauns are a real problem. I nearly ate one I found under the bed earlier. Instinct's kicking in.
I think I'll be heading for the Shack, now.
sinistra @ 2003-03-22 07:47 pm UTC |
I myself am frankly wearing holes in the floor due to how worried I am over the behaviour of you and Remus when intoxicated. Just think of the children, Sirius.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-03-22 09:29 pm UTC |
Yes, I'm certain your only concern is for the children, Sinistra.
I wouldn't worry so much, dear. It will give you even more wrinkles.
sinistra @ 2003-03-22 09:55 pm UTC |
Perhaps we can discuss our wrinkles a bit further at Remus's if you're that interested, Sirius.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-03-22 09:57 pm UTC |
Well. I am intrigued. I'll see you there, then.
hannahabbott @ 2003-03-18 01:49 am UTC |
I would be delighted in accepting your kind and thoughtful invitation, Professor Lupin.
If there is room available, I would love to stay.
Should we bring any food, perhaps? Smoked salmon, maybe?
Thank you, once again,
Hannah Abbott.
lupercus @ 2003-03-18 04:34 pm UTC |
Delightful, Miss Abbott. I'll be sure to have a room in the East Wing prepared for your stay.
And anything you would like to bring would be most appreciated, but isn't necessary.
Why don't you drop by my office for a chat? I haven't spoken with you in ages. I'd like to know how you're doing these days.
- Professor Lupin
hannahabbott @ 2003-03-19 11:19 pm UTC Re: |
I have to deal with an an errant Irishman tonight, but maybe if I stop by tomorrow, after classes?
I know you're teaching until 5 -- so make it 5:30? Do suggest another time if this is a problem.
~ Hannah
lupercus @ 2003-03-22 01:21 am UTC |
My apologies Miss Abbott for missing our appointment. I was unfortunately laid up in the hospital wing. A nasty turn of the moon this month.
However I have recovered, and I am available to you whenever you have the time.
- Professor Lupin
jadedsirius @ 2003-03-19 11:33 pm UTC |
Glad to hear it, Harry! I lok forward to catching up with you.