onourbrooms @ 2002-09-11 21:10:00 |
Am finally venturing out of my rooms. I had a bit of a mishap in Hogsmeade-- tripped on my way out the door of the pub and twisted my ankle. It was entirely worth it to have the pleasure of watching Lord Malfoy Jr. bluster his way through the attentions of the enchanted hog's head most of the afternoon. He looked like a little mushroom, all red with white hairs.
As I do value my sanity, I dared not suffer the brainwas-- er, medical assistance of the revolting Pomfrey. Instead I decided that the wound needed alcohol, so I politely requested the services of a rather twitchy house elf in delivering a bottle of firewhisky every few hours or so. Alcohol fixes everything. Ah, were it that others would take my wise advice. sibyllsays is still a twit. That smoke in her room isn't just incense, you know. Beware, Severus. Your destiny awaits you with sharp pointy teeth. You'll forgive me,
potions_master, if I don't start carving you a tombstone. Epitaph to read "He suffered from a Fate Most Uncomfortable". Woe, alas.
potterstinks is still a surly little daddy's boy, albeit one with a fetching new belt. Parkinson and Bulstrode- twenty points to Slytherin for your very tasteful, stylish, and surely much-needed present.
jadedsirius is still fervently hoping that Severus will force something other than potions on him. Perhaps "something" in the line of Sevvie's nubile young body.
... Hm. I never did tell that house elf to stop bringing the whisky up. Ah well, to my enduring health.
potions_master @ 2002-09-11 06:22 pm UTC |
How many times have I told you not to call me Sevvie???
So, poker at the usual time?
onourbrooms @ 2002-09-12 02:20 am UTC |
Of course.
You'll have to Mobilicorpus Sylvia out of that tower of hers. That is, if you're quite finished Suffering a Fate Most Uncomfortable.
- X.H.