onourbrooms @ 2003-08-13 21:39:00

I am firmly convinced that Sibyll is the only sane person left in the entire world. Evidence leading up to this:

Fact 1: Sevvie's world-traipsing adventures to decidedly less pleasant places than even Switzerland. Places which induce one to not only forsake alcohol, but don mouse ears. (This is mildly intriguing-- actual mice ears? Rather small ears, if you ask me. Perhaps this is why Americans talk so loudly.)

Fact 2: Sinistra chose to holiday in Canada. Canada, where people eat fried potatoes with gravy and cheese. Also, where the beer is completely sub-par and the milk arrives in bags. Surely not a wholesome environment. She may have been sucked into this strange sub-culture void. Am considering sending search party.

Fact 3: All marriages, upon the month having become August, have become null and void. I am not particularly opposed to this, as marriage does not seem like a healthy sort of habit to me, but it makes for distressed estranged spouses, and then I am forced to empathize with them for their shoddy choices in life-partners. And further to be very pleased with myself for having made no such similar choices.

There you have it-- all is lost. The world may tumble down around our ears shortly. Sibyll and I shall be at the bar, if needed.

(An amendment to a previous statement: while I approve of Sibyll's new look, I do not believe that appearance alone makes the man-- or woman, as the case may be.)


sibyllsays @ 2003-08-13 06:52 pm UTC

My, my, Xiomara, I don't think I've ever been called sane before!!

Off to the bar now! I have Foreseen that you shall have a bit of a wait, but I am coming!