percyneedsalife @ 2002-12-26 23:10:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Paula De La Meteo: Scorchio! |
Happy Christmas!
Fred's bit:
Ah, the joy of Christmas at home. The manic few days of present-buying, the greatness that is badgering Ginny into wrapping presents for us, the amusement from the Exploding Crackers which I designed this year. I think that Hermione was a bit miffed that she got the one which turns you into a cat, though. Can't think why, but I think Ron and Harry know. They exchanged a look which either means that they know something or that they were flirting.
Gave mum a really nice apron this year. Oh, all right, it's a Never Say Tie apron, which comes undone at a random time interval between one and five minutes. Very amusing when Ron was sitting behind her and she smacked him upside the head with a rolling pin.
Dad got a selection of screwdrivers which George picked up from an...what was it, George? Iron Minger. Sounds a bit dodgy to me, frankly.
Gave Bill a box of Bertie Bottie's Every Flavoured Condoms. His bird should be pleased. *grin*
Charlie got a pair of socks which magically sing the Muggle hit by Madonna, Spank Me. How appropriate. Just hope that his boyf doesn't get any ideas.perfectprefect received a new quill. Yellow. Which squawks on the hour, every hour.
Gave knight_to_h3 a hard time. And a knuckle sandwich. And a Cannons scarf to replace the one we enchanted to write swear words in the air whenever the phrase "Slytherin scores" sounds and which
potions_master confiscated.
blushcrush's present was a makeup kit. Honestly, Gin, it's not enchanted. I don't see why you won't use the mascara.
Will let just_harry and
missgranger post about their own presents. Hope the owl arrived at Hogwarts okay, Harry. Wouldn't want to tell Hogwarts about your new Guide to Mast--
George says:
Right, I've nicked the computer from Fred. Brain Haemorrhages don't take too long to clear up, do they? I didn't hit him that hard...
Anyway, hope Harry enjoys his Guide Quidditch. Yeah. Don't let jadedsirius see that, Harry. He might steal it for some reason or other.
Night, all. Hope that Justin and Hannah (or was it Susan? All these ickle Puffers blend into one memory...) sort out their issues sooner or later.
Fred says:
Edit: Percy threatened to tell mum about this bit, so I had to snip it out. Will kill you, Perce.
Fred & George
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-01 01:30 am UTC |
Cheers, but this scarf better not be enchanted! I'm the one that had to get points taken from Gryffindor for the last one!
And what's Sirius going to do with a guide to Quidditch, join the team?
percyneedsalife @ 2003-01-02 07:57 am UTC |
Yeah, that's right, Sirius is going to join the team. That team.
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-01-02 06:06 pm UTC |
You know which team I meant!! The Gryffindor team! He's a bit old, don't you think? Bloody hell, George, it would be wicked if Sirius could join but I really don't think he can, do you?