perfectprefect @ 2002-06-10 06:57:00

Current mood: rejuvenated

Just catching up on a few things.
It has been a very busy week at the Ministry - particularly for me. Of course, a man in my position cannot afford to be choosy about his time spent working. If it were up to me, there is no doubt in my mind that I would proceed to spend an even larger quantity of time behind my desk, working tirelessly for the cause. Parchment cuts and extra work hours are nothing but minor details in the larger picture.

There is nothing more satisfying than coming home from a particularly enriching week at work and being called back to the Ministry on important affairs. Minister Fudge, of course, entrusts me with a large amount of tasks here, and it is a trust I would not trade for anything. Naturally, I barely even have the time to write this, as I should be taking off for the Ministry in a bit, but I thought it would be acceptable for me to check in and make sure all is adequate.

Mother has received a letter from Ginny this week, assuring us that everything was fine at Hogwarts. This is, of course, satisfactory to hear. Evidently, there is some sort of Ball going on. While I wish that Ronald would select an evening working on his studies instead, I am minutely pleased to hear that he is going with a girl with a brain like Hermione's. Hopefully this is indicative that she will be a further influence on his academics.

I myself have always found it best to put work over play. After all, if one does not finish the tasks at hand, surely their free time will be spent with a guilty conscience. That is, if one has a conscience at all. I am not unawares of the hordes of wizards and witches who feel it acceptable to put their work off until the very last minute. Unfortunately, this is yet another reason that I often find myself separated from the majority of my peers.

Between shifts at the Ministry, I managed to step into Diagon Alley and pick up a few new novels; among them are I'm Okay, You're Okay: A Mutually Beneficial Relationship Between Cauldron and Wand by Gahnifer Anibelea; My Life With Boris Binns by Griphook the Goblin (not sure what that one's about, but sounds interesting); From Head Boy to Head Honcho by Cornelius Fudge; and A History of Padomantical Discoveries from Arch to Bridge, by Brunhilda Bleakosical. They all promise to be fascinating reads.

Also on loan to me this week from the Hogsmeade Public Library are the complete archives of the now-defunct Pigwidge Papers. Frankly, I have to admit that I could not resist picking them up to show to Ronald and Virginia. Certainly they would like to know of those who have shared their owl's name.

Speaking of owls, it seems that Errol is needing to be retrieved from the yard with a package. Au revoir!


blushcrush @ 2002-06-09 11:27 pm UTC

Oh, Percy! How nice of you! Maybe Ron will see what a good name Pigwidgeon is for an owl now.