perfectprefect @ 2002-05-19 10:49:00 |
Current mood: | enthralled |
Perusing through some old tomes.
You know, people often ask me, 'Percy, what's your favourite country?' and I find myself perplexed. I find the histories of many countries fascinating. There is, of course, Lebanon.
Lebanon's history is long and frequently turbulent. It reaches back to the dawn of civilisation. As you may know, its earliest settlers were the Phoenicians. They came from the Arabian Peninsula around 3,500 BC and established cities at Baalbek, Beirut, Byblos, Sidon and Tyre, only to spread their 22-letter Phoenician alphabet throughout the region.
After a succession of varied rulers, it became part of the Roman Empire in 64 BC, at which time Pomey the Great conquered the territory that one would know as modern Lebanon and governed it as part of the province of Syria.
Aramaic replaced Phoenician as the main language. By the fourth century Christianity was firmly established. During the early period of the Christian era, when theological differences bred a great deal of break-away sects, interestingly enough, Lebanon became a refuge for those religious minorities who were fleeing persecution.
In the fourth century, the Christian sect which would later become the Maronite church settled into the northern areas of the Lebanese Mountains in order to avoid being converted to Islam. The Arabs, who had become inspired and overzealous by the teachings of the Holy Prophet Mohammed, had converted most of the region to Islam. The geographical inaccessibility that made Lebanon an ideal place for religious refuge also appealed to Muslims. The Shiites found a safe-haven there during the ninth century, as did the Druzes in the eleventh century.
The mosaic of divergent beliefs in Lebanon gave each religious group a certain amount of sovereignty in specific areas, but alas hampered alliance for the region as a whole.
The history of this country is fascinating, and I feel privileged to have been able to bear witness as they continue to develop.
So, I suppose I have no answer. I could go the easy route, and claim my favourite country as England; however, let us not kid ourselves.
Percy Weasley
percyneedsalife @ 2002-05-19 08:36 am UTC |
Percy, no one wants to know what your favourite country is. No one.
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 01:34 am UTC Re: |
Nonsense. This is a journal. I am supposed to write things about myself. I may have gone a bit personal, but I think it will all turn out well in the end.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-19 03:27 pm UTC *groans* |
That was simple fascinating...NOT! You are posting more than the students! Stop it! Why do you have so much free time? If I wanted to be bored to tears, there is always Professor Binns! Go work or something, do boring things AWAY FROM US! OR you could always make yourself useful and do my History essay for me, like all good brothers should.
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 01:36 am UTC Re: *groans* |
The fact that I am out of Hogwarts now does not make me free to ignore this project. And as you know, I have very little free time. I am very busy working fastidiously with Minister Fudge. Also, you do not own this project.
If you do not complete your own assignments, you will never learn. What kind of brother would I be if I impaired your learning process?
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-20 02:02 am UTC Re: *groans* |
What kind of brother will you be? An interesting one, for a start! Bloody hell, Percy, I think the Ministry is not trusting you with enough work!
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 02:18 am UTC Re: *groans* |
That is slanderous, Ronald. You know very well that I can hardly see over my desk for all of the work piled on it. Why, I daresay that I've been entrusted with more work than Father (bless him). There is no need for petty insults. There is no need to spread lies about me. In fact, I don't even have time to be replying to your childish rumours right now.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-20 02:23 am UTC Re: *groans* |
Childish rumours?! You wrote AN ESSAY on your favourite COUNTRY on a PUBLIC JOURNAL! Honestly!
(parent) perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 02:58 am UTC Re: *groans* |
I am required to update my journal. It is not my fault that I am an intellectual.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-20 03:03 am UTC Re: *groans* |
Intellectual, my foot! Why must you insist on being boring?
I thought you had work to do, hmm?
missgranger @ 2002-05-19 05:21 pm UTC |
I thought that was quite interesting, Percy! I've never thought about my favourite country, but perhaps I will now.
- Hermione
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-19 07:12 pm UTC |
What?! No, Hermione, step away from the library! Percy, look what you've done!
(parent) perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 01:38 am UTC Re: |
I've done nothing but good here, Ronald. Hermione is a bright girl. I've only given her something to consider. Good for her!
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-20 01:49 am UTC |
Oh right, of course Hermione needs to read and learn more, because she is still a book away from becoming a human library. I'm sure you two would have a lot of fun chatting about the world map, my mouth nearly nearly foams at that thought.
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 01:56 am UTC Re: |
I have always enjoyed getting into discussions with Hermione. She proves that your age group is not entirely made up of imbeciles. There is nothing wrong with a bit of ambition and drive, Ronald. You could use a dose of that yourself. I do wish you would take a leaf out of Hermione's book, not to mention my own. *shakes head*
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 01:37 am UTC Re: |
It's so hard to choose just one. Hermione, you strike me as the type of girl who would be fond of Scotland. I also might suggest you check out some in-depth articles about Norway and Finland; my mouth nearly waters at the thought.
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 02:17 am UTC |
Picking a favourite country is no laughing matter.
Percy Weasley
![]() pe_eee_ee_eeves @ 2002-05-20 04:31 am UTC |
off with his head!! off with his head!!! weasley's diseased! off with his head!
potions_master @ 2002-05-20 08:30 pm UTC |
Mr. Weasley,
I am very impressed with your entry regarding Lebanon. I, too, am somewhat of a history buff. Lebanon is a very fascinating country with very entertaining history. Here are a few little-known facts.
The Phoenecians (the ancient Lebanese) were the first to explore the coasts of West Africa and Britain in 1000 B.C. Lebanon is the only country in the Middle East that does not have a desert. In January 1976, a guerilla force blasted into the vaults of the British Bank of the Middle East in Bab Idriss, cleaning out the contents of the safe deposit. The boxes of cash and other valuables were estimated by former Finance Minister Lucien Dahdah at $50 million. It was the singlemost lucrative bank robbery in history, occuring during the worst civil unrest period ever in Beirut, Lebanon.
I would award points to your house for an entertaining and informative entry, Mr. Weasley, however, that is not possible since you are a Hogwarts graduate and no longer a student.
-Professor Snape