pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-06 08:46:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Leaking Pub - Somewhere I belong |
I'm prettier than last week and I'll be prettierer next week!!! =^_^=
::ThIs::WeEk::I::aTe:: 12 apples (",)
5 scone (carbohydrates!! :O!!)
4 eggs ^_^
5 bowls of cabbage soup! :D
::NeXt::WeEk::ThE::tEa::LeAvEs::SaY::i::ShOuLd::EaT:: Baby carrots (like bunnies! >^.^<)
Celery soup :/
Parv's diet crackers ^_~
I'm sooOoOoooOOoo proud of myself!!! I'll be able wear the tiniest prettiest dress for Professor Black's wedding!! ^_^ Hopefully Professor Lupin can stay as a girl till then so they can have a normal wedding and a beautiful gown for her! :D :D :D Parv, is your dress any looser now?? >.< Oh! That reminds me! :O Padma's birthday is on 7th May!!!! :O Are you going to the party?? I must find something to wear! What if I can't squeeze into my new dress in time for it?? Oh so little time! T_T,
divineparvati @ 2003-05-05 10:11 pm UTC |
I tried to Tell Professor Black that Professor Lupin should stay a Girl too but I don't Think he was Really listening! Nobody appreciates Us, Lav.
My dress Is looser now! No thanks to Hermione - watch Out for her. She made me Eat everything On my Plate yesterday, ALL THREE mEALS. I had to go To the bathroom.
Lavender Brown! It is My birthday Too! I have been Telling you for Months that I wanted a 12-month Witchmo subscription! I cannot believe You! It is also my Party too! Hmph!
~Parvati, your best Friend
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-05 11:04 pm UTC Re: |
O_O;;; THREE meals??!! :::faints::: Good thing you went to the toilet!! :O You can have some of my pills if you want, there's not much time left till the wedding!!! :O :O :O
Omg you and Padma have the same birthday??? O_O! I didn't know that!!!! I hardly ever talk to her, you know she could do without some meals...>.< But same birthdays!! ^_^ How cute is that!!! :D ^_^
Can I do your make up for your party? ^_~
Your best friend too!,
Lavie :D
divineparvati @ 2003-05-06 06:15 am UTC |
Do you still have That blue eyeshadow? I think it will go Lovely with my Tiny orange dress. Can I borrow Your white Shoes? The pointy Ones? And a few More of those Pills because Hermione's still on my Case, ooh! Let's pretend to Work on Something really iMPORTANT at lunch time so she doesn't Make me Eat again, okay? I think my Stomach totally hates Her. I am planning To stick To my tea Diet until the Wedding, at Least.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-06 01:29 pm UTC Re: |
I'm not planning to even go near the lunch table!!! :O We can work on our dresses?? We need to tighten some parts for it to look better! ^_^ Yupyup I still have the blue eyeshadow, you can borrow it! ^_~ Not sure about the white shoes though, I might be wearing that but I've got another one that is a bit more rounded at the tip with a strap around your ankle? Is that okay??? :D :D :D You'll need to have nice boney ankles for that, I'm sure by next week you'll fit into it nicely! ^_~!!!
Lavie <3
divineparvati @ 2003-05-06 03:21 pm UTC |
Ooh, those shoes were my Second choice. Our feet Will almost Look like Twins.
Tightening! Bony!! I'm so excited I can Scarcely breathe!!
artistic_flower @ 2003-05-05 11:11 pm UTC |
Um, Lavender, Parvie and I are twins. You know, born within minutes of each other on the same day? She was first, naturally; bold, brash Gryffindor that she is :)
And how very... nice of you to notice I should be going without meals. Parvie, please tell me you aren't taking pills? I've heard horrid things about those pills... and look at what happened to poor Professor Lupin, not to mention poor Professor Snape! I saw him muttering to a suit of armor on the third floor...
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-05 11:19 pm UTC Re: |
Professor Snape takes pills too? :O :O No wonder he is so skinny!! It proves that they work!! ^_^
Oh silly me I keep forgetting that you and Parvie are twins!! :"> You look so different, I thought you'd be the older one because you're ...bigger.. <.< :/
Do you need help with party decorations? I can help!!! :D :D I know all the charms for balloons and glitters and stars and rainbows! ^_~
artistic_flower @ 2003-05-05 11:26 pm UTC |
No, no... I didn't mean that Professor Snape was taking pills, but it is strange to see him acting out of sorts. Those pills will make you do funny things, trust me.
Bigger indeed. I'll take being curvy over eating cabbage soup and diet food any day.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-05 11:30 pm UTC Re: |
Aw curvy is a nice word to say it! :)) It's okay, you don't have to feel bad!! You're the smart twin, Parvie is the pretty one! :D :D :D Not everyone can be perfect! ^_~
(parent)artistic_flower @ 2003-05-05 11:44 pm UTC |
What makes you think I feel bad? Besides, you know that starving yourself only makes your body hold onto the, ah, fat you already have, right?
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-05 11:47 pm UTC Re: |
I'm not starving!!! I don't have fat in my body!!! >:0!!! You're as mean as Draco Malfoy to say something like that!!!
(parent)divineparvati @ 2003-05-06 06:08 am UTC |
Darling sister, sometimes you have to Adopt different Methods in the quest for Beauty.
Maybe I have taken a Few? So what?
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-05 11:07 pm UTC Re: |
Huh? You know, boy and girl? ^_~ Mummy and Daddy and little babies? <33333
(parent) pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-06 01:17 pm UTC Re: |
Just because you don't understand or want to look good doesn't mean you can go around calling us disgusting!!! >:0!!! You're mean and horrible and I don't want to talk to you!!! It's not my fault you've got lumpy thighs from all that Quidditch but *I* don't call you disgusting or weird so why don't you leave us alone!!! -.-
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-05-06 01:34 pm UTC |
They're not lumpy they're called MUSCLES you idiot and I would rather have MUSCLES than look like a broomstick. You think you're pretty well you're NOT. You look like the dragon skeleton in Professor Lupin's office and I don't know anyone who wants to snog THAT.
I don't care if you don't want to talk to me but don't think I won't tell you when you're being stupid. I don't know how YOU got sorted into Gryffindor.
Stay away from Ginny.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-06 01:37 pm UTC Re: |
OMG I DON'T LIKE GIRLS THAT WAY!!! :O :O :O HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT???? >:O!!!!!!! All you RAVENCLAWS are the same!! You think you're so clever! -.-!!! Why don't you leave US alone?!?! I didn't talk to you, THUNDER THIGHS!!! >.
(parent) wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-08 05:04 am UTC Um, Lavender? |
Might I remind you what the occasion is? You know, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin's wedding? And I know Prof. Lupin is a woman at the moment, but they don't expect that condition to be permanent. Do think it should be?
(parent) pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-09 06:41 am UTC Re: Um, Lavender? |
It should be! ^_^ Sadly Professor Lupin is back to being a guy now T_T
(parent)wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-09 07:41 pm UTC |
Lavender! Prof. Lupin prefers being a guy. That's what he is.
And Prof. Black, who is marrying him, prefers that he's a guy, too. Or haven't you noticed?
P.S. I'm sorry, Lavender, I don't mean to be snappish. But Prof. Snape wants me to show up right after breakfast in his (wrecked) classroom early tomorrow morning, and I have no idea what he wants. Although it probably won't be good. He sounds . . . well, I'm not looking forward to it. *Sigh*
lupercus @ 2003-05-05 10:50 pm UTC |
Forgive me for asking, Lavender, but why are you so determined to wear a "tiny" dress?
And I think you'll find the wedding quite normal regardless of what my gender is.
- Professor Lupin
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-05 11:08 pm UTC Re: |
Hi Professor!! ^_^ I loooOOooOOoooove the dress you wore today! ^_~ I like tiny pretty things, don't you, Professor? ^_^
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-06 12:11 am UTC |
Er, thank you, but... tiny isn't necessarily pretty, is it?
divineparvati @ 2003-05-06 06:11 am UTC |
Why do you think Stars are so Beautiful? You try holding your Finger up, Professor, they are the Smallest things Ever! Tiniest is Prettiest.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-06 01:09 pm UTC |
I think you need to spend a little more time in Astronomy, Parvati. Has it ever occured to you that stars seem small because they are several million miles away?
I am sorry, but I simply do not understand the fascination with being small. Perhaps you could explain it to me?
- Professor Lupin
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-06 01:19 pm UTC Re: |
Professor, we don't want to look like Millicent from Slytherin, why is that so wrong?? Why are you picking on us??????? You're a girl now and you should understand T_T
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2003-05-06 01:25 pm UTC |
Do not worry.
I understand.
If I looked like you, I would proceed quickly to the toilet as well.
M. B.
lupercus @ 2003-05-06 01:36 pm UTC |
Apparently there is more to being female than I thought.
I'm sorry if you think that I am 'picking on' you, Lavender. I am simply trying to understand. Where did you get the notion that small is beautiful? Did someone tell you this?
- Professor Lupin
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-06 01:39 pm UTC Re: |
Professor, would you like to look at Witch Weekly?? Parvati and I have all the issues, we can show you if you want!!! Girl bonding!!! :D :D You'll see all the models are half our sizes and they look FABULOUS!! T_T But it's okay, we'll look like them soon :D ^_~
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-06 01:46 pm UTC |
Er, well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a look. I've no idea how long I'll be like this so I might as well get a sense of what to expect.
Why don't you and Parvati come up to my office after your lessons today? I'll have tea waiting, and we can have a nice chat.
- Professor Lupin
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-06 01:49 pm UTC Re: |
Okie!!!!!! ^_^ Maybe you can diet with us!!! Ohhh that would be soOOoooo cool! :D :D :D I'm sure you'll look GREAT for your wedding if you lose some weight too!!! It looks ugly in dresses if you have flabs showing when you sit down, like a bulldog, you know?? >.< And flabby arms are HORRIBLE!!! Those are harder to lose but Parvie and I can design a dress for you to hide those!!! With your aura, a pale salmon coloured shawl would hide those prettily!!! ^_^_^_^_^
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-05-06 02:05 pm UTC |
Well, I don't know about that. I wasn't aware I needed to lose any weight. I feel quite fine, actually, and I'm rather hoping I'm not in this state for the wedding... Though, I suppose if I am I should be prepared, and... Well...
We'll talk about this later, dear.
- Professor Lupin
wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-08 04:56 am UTC Why . . . |
do you want to wear the tiniest dress to the wedding? I think you looked fine before. Better than fine, really. Um, quite lovely.
wheresmytoad @ 2003-05-09 07:41 pm UTC |
Well, I'm sorry if I seem a bit thick, but help me understand, please. You say that you aren't avoiding me, and you say that you aren't sick. Why are you spending so much time in the loo?