pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-21 08:21:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | The Sphinx Girls - Veritas Forever |
<3 <3 <3
Hiiii everybody! :D :D :D
It's almost bed time but I thought I'd just post a quick update before I catch my beauty sleep =^_^= Today was a good day, nothing very exciting happened really but I had a lot of fun catching up on gossips with Parvati during lunch break. Of course, most of the gossips are no big news to me because I've seen them all in the tea leaves. It seems something is brewing between the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses and there is something magical in the air. ^_~ I won't say what it is because, like Professor Trelawney always said, if everyone took the effort to be one with their Inner Eye, they too can uncover the secrets of the future! :P Speaking of the lovely Professor Trelawney, she drew up a daily Astrology chart for me today and all her predictions came true as always! Here's what her reading said:The energy of today is very social, and you will probably receive many communications by owls.
Well, guess what? My owlscriptions to Owl Pals received 12 replies today! And all the letters I received were from people who really wanted to get to know me!!! In fact, a lot of them even asked me what I wear to sleep at night and what I like to do late at night!! How sweet! ^__^
Although you are in an restless mood, you will be find actitivies to keep yourself busy.You might find that your head is up in the clouds today.
Oh my god! O_O; That is sOoOoOo true!! I was so bored after classes today that I went to watch the Qudditch practice in the field and you know what? It was a really cloudy day! Oh Professor Trelawney is so wise!! ^_~
Today will be a good day to sit down and think of your loved ones and perhaps you would do something special for them. Consider becoming more active in your political party, or around a chosen social issue. Make sure you are doing your part to help the cause.
You know...that is awfully true as well, I miss my pet bunny terribly today. :~( But I found a website to learn how to speak Rabbit Language, hopefully I'll be able to master it fast and I can tell CottonFluff how much I love her when I am back home during school break! ^_^ Not only that, I signed up for the Save the Bunnies! Campaign, too! Everyone who loves bunnies should sign up!! *puppy eyes*
Okie dokie, that's all for today, bed time for me! *waves!*
<3, and
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-19 07:22 pm UTC Re: |
Hello Fred and George!! ^_^ How have you been? :D Haven't seen you in ages!!! :P
What petition? ^_^ Would you like to join the Save the Bunnies campaign, too? =^_^=
potterstinks @ 2002-05-20 01:23 am UTC |
The petition to get your fat arse thrown out of this project, you halfblood. You will rue the day you stepped foot in my school.
(parent)![]() pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-20 01:37 am UTC |
I am not talking to you anymore, Draco Malfoy! You are mean and no one will sign your petition because you have bad karma for being a bunny killer!! Hmmph! >:/
And I have the goss on the Potter rumour Peeves was talking about, too bad you were a meanie to me or I could have shared the gossip with you! Serves you right!!
potterstinks @ 2002-05-20 01:50 am UTC |
I'm rather certain that if YOU know about it, everyone will know by sunrise. I've lost interest. The Potter rumours are old hat, fatso.
Why don't you have another doughnut?
Or better yet, you could come over to my house for dinner one night. We're having duck l'orange.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-20 02:13 am UTC Re: |
Oh my god!!!!!!
Your whole family are barbarians!!!!
How could you eat duckies?!
You horrible horrible boy!!
The bad karma will get to you one day!!
Sad :c,
potterstinks @ 2002-05-20 02:30 am UTC |
You were eating ham last night. I saw the juice dribbling down your chin from three tables away. Don't you feel bad for the little piggies?
Hey, do you know how they make ham?
First, they stick the pig with a long, pointed skewer.
Next they skin it alive.
Then, they rip its hooves from its feet. Now, this isn't by magic, of course. It's rather slow and painful, I'd imagine.
So of course, the pig is squealing in pain, and they start slicing chunks off. Big old chunks of ham.
And you do, of course, know the expression, "Bleeding like a stuck pig." The blood is everywhere. Squirting all over the men, all over the ham. They just wash the ham off later, of course.
And by the time the pig finally bleeds itself to death, all that's left are some internal organs. And of course, the fat cells. Sometimes they get left on the bacon.
Here's to your bacon at breakfast tomorrow!
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-20 02:33 am UTC Re: |
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 02:36 am UTC |
Malfoy is an idiot. Killing a pig takes much less time than that.
perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 02:59 am UTC Re: |
Well, it's the truth. I apologise. I was just trying to point out the fault in his method.
(parent)just_harry @ 2002-05-20 11:52 pm UTC |
Um. What rumour, Lavender? Because if it's the one about me and Hermione, it isn't true. I mean, Hermione is really pretty and nice and all, but we don't like each other like that. That was just Dean trying to make me mad.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-21 01:31 pm UTC |
Oh hi Harry!!! ^_^ Nopie, it's not the rumours about you and Hermione, that is soOoOoOo year 4!!! Hee! Well, this is a different gossip and I've read the leaves, it appears to be true!! ^_~ Oh Harry, if you need anyone to talk to about it, or any relationship advice, you know where to find me!!! =^_^=
just_harry @ 2002-05-21 01:41 pm UTC |
Oh. Um, okay. Thanks, Lavender. I don't need any relationship advice or anything because I don't have a relationship. I don't know about tea leaves and stuff. That stuff has never really worked for me. But it seems to work for you, so that's okay.
(parent) pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-21 02:28 pm UTC Re: |
Oh Harry, you just have to look within yourself to find your Inner Eye! It is really easy, but Professor Trelawney said I'm gifted with it so maybe it's easier for me, but I can always read the leaves for you if you want to know more about your love life!! ^_~
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-05-20 01:21 am UTC |
(parent)![]() pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-19 09:27 pm UTC ^_^ |
Oh Neville! Would you like to join OwlPals, too? That's lovely!! =^_^= I will give you the owlscription forms for it during breaktime today, meet me in the common room, okie? :D :D :D You just have to fill it up and owl them off and wait for responses from all over the world!! It's really exciting! What a great way to make more friends! ^_^ Maybe we can be OwlPals, too! :P :P
Stars and hope,
lupercus @ 2002-05-20 12:47 am UTC |
Ms. Brown, I don't wish to be rude or impertinant, but it really is quite a strain on my eyes to read through all of those... er, colorful adornments you've given to your live journal post. Perhaps you would find it in you to do an lj cut when you have a lot images, or tone down the look a bit?
Thanks so very much, dear-
Professor Lupin
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-20 01:39 am UTC |
Professor Lupin!! Hello!! ^_^
You don't like stars?
potions_master @ 2002-05-20 10:53 am UTC |
Miss Brown,
I would say that your journal entries are intriguing and charming, but that would be a complete lie.
Ten points from Gryffindor for your abuse of animated gifs.
-Professor Snape
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-20 11:15 am UTC :( :( :( |
You don't like stars?
potions_master @ 2002-05-20 11:42 pm UTC Re: :( :( :( |
Miss Brown,
There is a reason why I teach Potions instead of Astronomy. I have better ways to spend my time than to "moon over the stars". A good example would be to finally rearrange my family's silverware collection. Or perhaps I could read a thesaurus. The possibilities are limitless.
I would think even someone such as yourself would be able to figure that out. Of course, I could be giving you too much credit.