potions_master @ 2002-06-09 21:43:00

Current mood:contemplative
Current music:Pete Fountain - St. James Infirmary

The Mark of Cain
Dinner at Malfoy Manor last night was extremely...interesting. I have to thank the Gods that my hair returned to its normal shade just minutes before we were to floo over to the manor. Needless to say, a good time was had by all. Narcissa was lovely as always and Lucius was full of interesting and amusing stories. Pefect dinner hosts.

Hooch and Sinistra were a bit miffed when we had that traditional "the men will adjourn to the smoking room while the women retire to the parlor" bit, but I'm sure that Narcissa had plenty of topical conversation to keep them duly entertained. As for the conversation with Lucius, well...I will have to collect my thoughts on that before I write any further.

Now that everything is relatively back to normal, I shall continue to be as honest as I can when writing in this journal. Despite the increasing inappropriateness of some of the entries, Albus insists on completely frank and open dialog on these journals. Therefore, in that context, I shall talk about something that has admittedly been a thorn in my side for quite some number of years.

When I agreed to join Voldemort for the "light side," I never prepared for the lifetime commitment of what it would really mean. Now, mind you, this was back in the mid to late seventies when the Dark Lord ascended to power, quietly recruiting his followers from every crack of humanity that you could think of. Voldemort, and this is something that most people don't know, was an avid music collector. As I've alluded to in an earlier post, he was quite into the youth movement in late 1970's England.

So, on one of his "brighter ideas", he decided to band our group together with something akin to today's "colors" of the muggle gangs in huge urban areas. He decided on everyone sporting a tattoo instead of a uniform. (The death eater mask didn't come until much later, thanks to a suggestion by the unfortunate Mrs. Lestrange. A day late and a galleon short, I believe.) So, we held a contest to see who would design the Death Eater trademark. It had to be recognizable, it had to be something relatively simple, and most of all, it had to have that taint of evil.

Lucius Malfoy ended up the winner with a very sinister looking skull and snake emblem. (The Malfoys are known for artistic talent.) Voldemort, running short on Death Eater Club funds, decided it would be perfectly fine to tattoo everyone himself. So, armed with "Tattoo Yourself to Art: Basics for a Lifetime Friend," Voldemort set about marking his band of "disciples" as he liked to call them.

Now this is what the original design was supposed to look like:</font></p>

This was very graciously drawn by Ali Wildgoose and used in this humble RPG with her permission.

Now mind you, we were not mindless imbeciles who would just agree to this mark, so Voldemort added that this would be a good way for us all to keep in touch with each other. But I think the real thing that convinced everyone involved was the fact that Voldemort promised that when he summoned us to a Dark Meeting, we would know it because we'd have spontaneous orgasms. You have to understand that most of us were in our late teens, anything that promised a lifestyle of fighting and orgasms was embraced in the most exuberant manner.

We all were appropriately impressed with the design. I distinctly remember Avery exclaiming, "Oy! That's wicked!" But instead of the very interesting design we see above, we got these instead.

Me:  Avery:   Goyle:  Crabbe:

But I feel sorry for Lucius the most:

I think Voldemort was a bit more ambitious than his rudimentary skills could handle, and you can see that he quickly began losing his enthusiasm towards the end there. I have no idea what that is supposed to be on Crabbe's unfortunate abdomen, all I can say is that I'm glad it's not me.

Nonetheless, I now have a badly executed tattoo that I can't cover up or remove by laser surgery because Voldemort decided to put the Dark Signature curse to seal the ink. Only he can remove it, and I don't know about most people, but I live firmly entrenched in a place called Reality. I'm certainly not going to go up to His Evilness and say, "You know, I think that we need to look into the possibility of perhaps reinking these Dark Marks." Voldemort may be evil, but he is also incredibly sensitive. And I have no fondness for being put under the Cruciatus or being forced to watch another home movie on his travels to Thailand.

I still haven't forgotten the grievous injury done to me by Sirius Black. But I am diligently working on something particularly nasty to use against him. I will have my revenge.

Dark Mark drawn by [info]ali_wildgoose


pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-06-10 12:47 am UTC

Professor Snape!!! <-- This is sOoOoOo cute!!!! ^_^ I'm sorry you didn't get the cute tattoo!! :c
