potions_master @ 2003-02-14 22:16:00 |
Current mood: | malcontent |
Right then. I've had a very harrowing day. All that needs to be said is Valentine. It is enough to give anyone the chills. I've had to put extra protection guards on my potions supply as some very cheeky students tried to make some illicit love and aphrodisiac potions.
Stop the presses, because that is so original. Sex and Valentine's day, whoever would have thought of that one?
This young generation thinks that they're the first to do everything, but I will tell you, I've seen more creativity from a group of drunken hippogryffs. Of course, this does not include my Slytherins, because, and I hate to admit it, they simply wouldn't be caught in the first place. Of course, they'd also plan such things months ahead instead of waiting until the last minute.
Perhaps I am being too hasty. After all, I was able to assign no less than thirty-seven detentions. My supply of damiana is safe. This is, of course, cold comfort after having to deal with gratuitous note passing during my lectures.
It's not the fact that they're passing notes, or the fact that these ill-formed adolescent acne-ridden creatures are trying to simulate the act of procreation that makes my black heart tremble with trepidation. It is just that they are so predictable.
This is going to sound like one of those "When I was your age, I had to fly on a Cleansweep 1" or "I had to use cast iron cauldrons when I went to school" statements of woe and sorrow. At least our generation had some truly great things to brag about (and be embarrassed about, i.e., disco music).
Ah well, no use lamenting the lack of interesting people these days. I will have to content myself with a bottle of firewhiskey and the latest issue of "Potions Today." That is always good for a chuckle or two.
jadedsirius @ 2003-02-15 01:01 am UTC |
Well, your post did beg for a response... I'm afraid I couldn't restrain myself.
Now that should leave you an opening for vicious sarcasm...
potions_master @ 2003-02-15 01:55 am UTC |
Oh spare me. If you think I'm rising to your obvious baiting, then you'd better exhale because I've got better things to do, like rearrange silverware or relabel jars.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-02-15 02:06 am UTC |
Just trying to entertain you since you seem to take such obvious pleasure in insulting me. It's probably the only pleasure you're getting...
potions_master @ 2003-02-15 02:12 am UTC |
I realize that amusement must be rather simplistic for you, but I fail to see anything that I've written that would stir you to come out of your dogged shell. Where is the insult, pray tell?
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-02-15 09:17 am UTC |
No insult. Your post merely amused me. As you stated, that isn't difficult to do.
One might wonder what has finally dragged you out of your shell to post...
potions_master @ 2003-02-15 03:23 pm UTC |
I suppose you think it's funny that the Headmaster said (and I quote) "Post or die, Severus Snape."
Since you're so interested in whether I'm "getting any" or not, I honestly don't feel the need to enlighten you. Just let it be said that I know the meaning of the word discreet. Unlike you, Mr Ex-Con of the Questionable Virtue.
jadedsirius @ 2003-02-15 06:02 pm UTC |
Oh, your rapier wit wounds me to the quick, Sevvie.
I do know the meaning of the word discreet. You, however, seem to think it means celibate.
potions_master @ 2003-02-15 06:07 pm UTC |
What exactly are you looking for? Why do you continue to prolong this...discussion if we can loosely define it. I thought we'd said everything we needed to say. I'd rather not turn this into something nasty, and I would have rather thought you'd feel the same way.
What do you want?
jadedsirius @ 2003-02-15 06:42 pm UTC |
Oh, lighten up, Snape. Just poking fun. It's called humour...
Oh that's right. You wouldn't know about that.
Don't worry, I won't darken your journal again. Forgive me.
potions_master @ 2003-02-15 06:55 pm UTC |
Don't worry, I won't darken your journal again. Forgive me.
Well, at least something good came from this weekend.
lupercus @ 2003-02-15 06:37 pm UTC |
Sounds like someone didn't get any Valentines when he was but a wee sprog.
Poor ickle Sevvie. Here now, have a candy heart. It says, 'I WUV you' on it!
Because we WUV our widdle Sevviekins, don't we, Sirius? Yes we do.
potions_master @ 2003-02-15 06:57 pm UTC |
You know, I don't HAVE to make that potion for you, you know. I should think that you two would have better things to do. I've avoided the both of you for a reason, and now I can see for all the good it's done for me.
Sod on your candy heart, Lupin.
Don't call me Sevvie.
lupercus @ 2003-02-15 07:07 pm UTC |
Ah, lighten up, Severus. Live a little. Didn't playing 'hide-the-wand' with Sirius teach you anything?
potions_master @ 2003-02-15 07:27 pm UTC |
Right, I've just about had it with the both of you. Go on and play your little jokes. You have no idea of the workload I've had as of late. So next time your out cleaning up after your interesting creatures, feel safe in the fact that others are out there working their fingers to the bone trying to keep this place a bit safer for people like you to walk around in blissful ignorance.
Stressed? No, not me. So, once again I'll ask you to kindly take your well-meaning humour elsewhere where it can be appreciated. I've done nothing wrong, Lupin. And I still hold to that fact regardless of where you stand or what you know.
Shove off and get stuffed.
jadedsirius @ 2003-02-15 08:20 pm UTC |
Oh, I think I can take care of the getting stuffed part.
You could use a good stuffing, I'd wager.
Oops. Darkened again.