potterstinks @ 2003-03-26 18:56:00

Current mood:enraged

Tonight I've scheduled a date with one Queenie Greengrass (Slytherin, sixth year, Pureblood). Despite leaving toast crumbs in the butter at breakfast, Queenie, evidently, has fondly wished that she could 'give herself' to me since our third year. Being such a giver myself, naturally I've decided to grant her this request. That is to say, I'm taking her 'round on Prefect Duty for the evening, with the hope that the usual boredom found on Prefect Duty does not repeat itself.

Queenie is fairly unknown to the masses, I believe, given that she appears to be against most things, particularly attending lessons. She does have perfect teeth, though, so I expect this will turn out well.

Mother has written me lately and is pleased to know that I have resumed searching for future ex-girlfriends. My Father says it's very important for a Malfoy to leave a string of broken hearts behind them, and it is true that they say if you play with fire, you're going to get burnt.

Speaking of receiving the short end of the stick, Lupin has assigned me with detentions for what appears to be the next 3592 days. And why? Because evidently, discrimination extends to Purebloods around here. If something is too harsh for their delicate little eyes, it would appear that censorship comes back in raging popularity. Never mind the sheer horror Lupin has inflicted upon us with his journal entries.

In any case, Lupin hasn't heard the last from My Father, you can be sure of that. I'll be needing to go freshen up for my date now, though I hardly need to. I do hope those students who haven't any dates tonight don't have too wretched an evening. After all, I'm sure you're all quite used to it.


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-03-26 08:28 pm UTC


just_harry @ 2003-03-26 09:07 pm UTC

Professor Lupin really isn't that nasty, you know, and he'll probably take off most of your detention anyway. He does it for Ron all the time. Anyway I think prefect duty would probably be pretty boring. It's not like you'd really have anything to do, and Hermione always has it for hours. Did you get my other comment, that I said I was sorry? I mean, it's okay if you didn't, but I'm trying to apologise to everyone I guess. But it's kind of weird to say Professor Lupin would discriminate. He's Professor Lupin, it would be hard for him to do that, I think. You just don't know him, he's really cool.

lupercus @ 2003-03-26 11:47 pm UTC

That's very kind of you, Harry.

Stop by and see us if you get a chance, either tonight or tomorrow. Whenever you've the time. There's something we'd like to talk to you about.

- Prof. Lupin (and Sirius)

potions_master @ 2003-03-26 09:16 pm UTC

Ah, the elusive Ms Greengrass. If you catch a glimpse at her, Mr Malfoy, perhaps you could instruct her that I still have her graded essay from the first week of first year, if she so desires to retrieve it.

-Professor Snape

potterstinks @ 2003-03-26 09:20 pm UTC

Of course, Professor Snape.

Draco Malfoy

divineparvati @ 2003-03-26 09:37 pm UTC

You are so Shallow.

divineparvati @ 2003-03-26 09:55 pm UTC

Hah. According to my Reading, your date will not go so Well.


Whether you like it or not, the people surrounding you today are just not going to pay very much attention to you. They will be distracted by their own worries and problems, and just aren't going to have any time for yours. Why not take advantage of the situation as best you can to steal some time alone?


jadedsirius @ 2003-03-26 11:43 pm UTC

I believe by "Queenie" Mr Malfoy is actually referring to the statue of Mildred the Muddled on the third floor. Perhaps he's just starting out slow, and someday he will graduate to a real girl (boy).

It occurs to me that you're really putting your Charms studies to good use here, Malfoy. Imagine charming a statue to move like it's somewhat alive... Professor Flitwick will be so proud.


arithmantra @ 2003-03-27 03:58 am UTC

Congratulations, Professor Black. Miss Greengrass--the very much alive Miss Greengrass, or did you miss the part where she was listed on your roster?--is currently keeping Moaning Myrtle company in the unused girls' bathroom.

Really. Belittling two students in one breath. Your talents increase daily.

la_pensee @ 2003-03-27 09:13 am UTC

Queenie Greengrass, indeed. Certainly not my choice for you.

potterstinks @ 2003-03-27 06:31 pm UTC

Oh, then who would your choice be?
