potterstinks @ 2004-04-09 02:22:00

Current mood:enraged

As I said before, we were forced to go searching for glowing plants in the middle of the merciless night, and the entire thing went something like this:

1. A moron screams.
2. Another moron assumes something terrible has happened and screams in response.
3. Various morons begin levitating each other into trees.
4. Many morons begin saying oof and other variations thereof.
5. Someone steps on my foot.

Then some moron shoved me into a tree, causing me to rip off what felt like my entire shoulder blade on the bark. I don't know who did it, as it was DARK, but I did scrape quite a bit of skin and Pansy had to put a stupid salve on it for me. I'm certain it was intentional, as I am more visible in the dark than people with brown or black hair, which is just about everyone.

Yesterday we had to collect algae at the lake. I don't see why we had to do so during the hottest part of the day, when some of us have skin that burns rather easily. Fortunately I didn't acquire a sunburn, but if I had, I can tell you that My Father would have had something to say about it.

Then, today, we had an extra lesson in defence from Shacklebolt and Moody, wherein we learnt that Potter has pink polka-dotted pants, which some of us already could have guessed. Apparently Potter was actually unable to follow the lesson, which is of course no shock, and managed to fall down a hill. Of course, those of us left at the top were under the impression that he'd cracked his head open, but not to worry! Granger assured us that he was quite all right, though he had a hole in his trousers. Fine. A spectacle caused for nothing, though I do think he exaggerated his faux good-natured humour about it.

As I suspected, Crabbe is ridiculously noisy and has taken to unwrapping Spellophane in the middle of the night. I'm so glad he's decided to leave snack wrappers around the tent so insects can come in. Nott has sneaked out of the tent to meet a certain witch two nights in a row now, and since it would be impolite to name names, I'll simply say that it was Sonia Fawcett, Number 58 Hinkley Road, Stetrick-on-Gaft, Warwickshire. Of course, he doesn't seem to make any noise when he goes, yet I seem to wake up every time. If this keeps up I shall take a sleeping bag and sleep beside the tent rather than inside it.

Fortunately, tomorrow we shall go home and my belated birthday party is on Saturday. For those of you who have miraculously forgotten, my birthday is actually 31 December, but that's such an unfortunate date to have a party on, so I'm having it now instead. I'm quite sure Father and Mother would have insisted I have two parties if I'd thought of it, but I'm never greedy. At this point, however, I'm simply looking forward to returning to Malfoy Manor.


petitemillicent @ 2004-04-10 01:24 pm UTC

Did you sleep out doors, Draco?

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2004-04-11 07:40 am UTC


petitemillicent @ 2004-04-11 07:44 am UTC

Because I wanted to know if any rats bruised your delicate skin.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2004-04-11 07:54 am UTC

Of course I didn't sleep out of doors. Don't be stupid. Why would rats bite me?

petitemillicent @ 2004-04-11 08:00 am UTC


Do we need to have The Talk?

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2004-04-11 08:07 am UTC

One day you will be asleep and I will be there.

petitemillicent @ 2004-04-11 08:11 am UTC

Why will you be there?

I do not watch you sleep.

I do not see why you must do the same to me.


It is my stunning beauty, captured at rest.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2004-04-11 08:18 am UTC

How ever did you guess that I am attracted to your thick eyebrows and voluminous stomachs?

No, as a matter of fact, I don't need to talk to you. Sally-Anne is here.

petitemillicent @ 2004-04-11 08:23 am UTC

Why would you want to talk to Perks.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2004-04-11 08:32 am UTC

We're planning to take over the world, obviously.

petitemillicent @ 2004-04-11 08:35 am UTC

Again, I ask.

Why would you want to talk to Perks.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2004-04-11 08:39 am UTC

I rather like her, actually.

petitemillicent @ 2004-04-11 08:45 am UTC

You do not like anything.

M. B.

potterstinks @ 2004-04-11 08:50 am UTC

I also like fondue. I'm certain you shall be scandalised.
