potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 15:35:00 |
Current mood: | enraged |
I was forced to take tea with Finnigan the other day, as he deemed it fit to lecture me and force me to eat half stale lemon poppy biscuits. The Gryffindors are fickle creatures and clearly prone to fits at random moments. Like manticores, they're best left at a distance.
I have quite a few things to do today, among them writing a letter to Pansy's mother. While I fully support the rule that women ought to stay at home and tend to the cleaning, people of mine and Pansy's stature have servants to do that sort of thing. I see no problem with Pansy working at the Ministry, as she's quite clever. Pansy's mother is a rather docile woman, so I imagine that a strongly worded letter shall do the trick.
We had Charms this morning, and I'm far more annoyed with Charms than usual. We've been learning the Patronus Charm and I think it's useless. Unless Flitwick is trying to tell us we're all going to wind up in Azkaban, I can't see how this shall ever come in handy in life. They've wisely chosen not to let loose the Dementors on Hogsmeade this time around with Pettigrew, and as I don't intend to visit Azkaban, I shan't be interacting with Dementors ever again. Unless, of course, Potter goes insane, kills several people and winds up in Azkaban, in which case I'd have to visit so that I could eat a three course meal in front of him.
As I was saying, I see no point in these lessons and find them stupid.
Evidently our journals are being graded as I type. It's quite amusing to see that so many people panicked at this news. I didn't know we were actually going to be graded on them, but you'd think others would have remembered that these are homework. Once again, I rise above the masses.
The library is an utter disaster area. It looks as though a pack of creatures was set loose in it. It took me over an hour to find a book this morning, and every time things are put back together, some riff-raff inevitably destroys everything again. Why would you try to make a mess of the library during exam time? Idiots. Everyone is an idiot. How is anyone supposed to find anything? Madam Pince will turn to booze before the fortnight's through.
A first year was reduced to tears in the common room last night. I suspect it shan't live to be a seventh year, as if it's crying over first year exams, O.W.L.s will surely kill it off. Apparently forgetting that I am no longer a prefect, Nott asked me to use my superior talents to make it stop, but when I told it to shut up it only cried more. Children. When I have children, they'll certainly not run around untamed like that.
Whilst speaking to Professor Snape last week, it occurred to me that I would be an excellent asset to any professional Quidditch team. Of course, I'd realised this before, especially as I was accepted to the Chudley Cannons, but I'd not given it much thought. I may decide to play a few years of Quidditch professionally, though I imagine I'll wait until a few years have passed after Hogwarts. I'm certain I'll need that much time to recover. Finnigan also inquired of my plans after Hogwarts. Everyone seems ridiculously enthralled by what everyone else is doing, and I simply do not care what any of you are going to do once you've finally left my life. Why is everyone so sentimental? How can one emote over the fact that there's so little time left when we've had to live, eat and sleep amongst the same people for seven years? Lord, you'd think everyone would be as eager to get away as I am. I can't imagine why you'd want to spend even more time with someone after seven years of irritating socialising.
People are promising to look each other up and send owls, but I don't see the point. Am I supposed to care that Longbottom may be working (fittingly) at St Mungo's? Besides, all of you who are trying to guarantee that you won't lose touch are morons. Everyone does. You're not going to spend afternoons lunching with the witch who sat three seats down from you in Transfiguration. Oh, sure, you can act as though you will now, but everyone knows you make better associates once you've left school. Hardly anyone here will care about anyone else within two years' time. Live with it.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:14 pm UTC |
If you've never heard of a manticore, you're setting yourself up for some damaging verbal abuse.
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 09:18 pm UTC |
I'm pretty aware of what a manticore is, just surprised--and rather impressed--that we Gryffindor ilk would warrant such a virile comparison.
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 09:28 pm UTC |
Part scorpion, too. The scorpion has a poisonous sting.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:31 pm UTC |
Yes, Thomas, I was well aware of what a manticore was when I made the comparison.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:38 pm UTC |
No, you moron. I picked the first thing that came to mind. Did you think I sat here thinking seriously about what simile to use?
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 09:43 pm UTC |
Whether you thought seriously on it or not, the subconscious is a tricky thing.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:44 pm UTC |
But I was saying that you do throw fits, hence that you do sting. Are you blind as well as dumb?
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:50 pm UTC |
Yes, I thought it was quite clever, so I don't see why you feel clever for realising that it was, in fact, a simile.
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 09:58 pm UTC |
How could I feel clever when you're around?
So. You saw Ron's severed hand?
potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:59 pm UTC |
Of course. I also saw the stump. Haven't you seen it yet?
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 10:01 pm UTC |
The stump yes. I mean, I live with the bloke. I've been avoiding the hand, though.
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 10:05 pm UTC |
Well, no. You can talk to the hand, but it can't talk back. Though I've heard it can wave.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 10:07 pm UTC |
Are you avoiding it in case it waves you to death? That's a rather common death, I'm certain.
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 10:10 pm UTC |
No. I just don't trust anything disembodied. Even if it was formerly embodied by one of my mates.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 10:11 pm UTC |
Were you attacked by fingernail clippings as a child?
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 10:20 pm UTC |
Damn right. And eyelashes and hair trimmings as well. Sure.
Actually my uncle lost his hand in a factory accident and he used to hide his prosthetic in my sock drawer to be funny.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 10:23 pm UTC |
You were frightened of a fake hand? You're frightened of Weasley's hand now?
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 10:27 pm UTC |
I was four years old, so it wasn't like I knew it was fake. And I'm not frightened of Ron's hand--merely perturbed.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 10:30 pm UTC |
Oh, so you don't mind the idea that it might have fluffed your pillow in your sleep?
(parent)deanthomas @ 2004-06-14 10:32 pm UTC |
Well, only because I know Ron doesn't have the cleanest hands around. Bit grimy around the knuckles.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 10:35 pm UTC |
You don't say. It likely used your face as a bed while you slept. Detached hands are odd.
(parent)![]() erniemacmillan @ 2004-06-14 09:11 pm UTC |
Oh Malfoy, you're just saying that because you can't produce a Patronus!
potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:15 pm UTC |
I didn't see anything coming out of your wand, either, Hufflepuff.
(parent)erniemacmillan @ 2004-06-14 09:22 pm UTC |
Yeah but I'm not saying it's stupid because of it! I think it's wicked! Besides, it's a really difficult charm! Hardly anyone can do it!
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:26 pm UTC |
You would. I don't care, it's nothing I need to learn anyway.
(parent)dooglevoluna @ 2004-06-14 09:20 pm UTC |
Aren't you just so anxious to know what your patronus is, though? I hope mine is a platypus. Or an aardvark.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:25 pm UTC |
Who cares? Someone in Hufflepuff's was a bat. It's hardly interesting.
I suppose you'll just have to wait a year, won't you?
dooglevoluna @ 2004-06-14 09:29 pm UTC |
You wouldn't find your own interesting?
I don't mind waiting. I am good at it LOL.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:32 pm UTC |
No. Why would I? Lord, is this really the sort of thing Ravenclaws discuss?
(parent)dooglevoluna @ 2004-06-14 09:40 pm UTC |
You're rather interesting, not always in a good way, so I bet your patronus would be too. Ravenclaws discuss other things, like what to have for breakfast and the history of house elfs and the goblin wars and what sex might feel like when one of us has it and why faeries have a laugh like breaking glass.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-06-14 09:46 pm UTC |
I'm always interesting, but I don't care if it takes the form of a frog in a bowler. It's still stupid.
(parent)dooglevoluna @ 2004-06-14 09:51 pm UTC |
Yes, a frog in a bowler is very stupid LMAO I would like to see one anyway.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2004-06-14 11:44 pm UTC |
Nothing stale about those biscuits. You should have dipped them in your tea instead of letting it slosh into the saucer.
I agree with you about keeping in touch with people, however. One should only attempt it with those one was truly close to and, say, saw during summer hols or such like.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-15 07:20 am UTC |
Har har.
Well, at least someone has a bit more sense.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-15 01:23 am UTC |
it's a good thing it's mutual, Malfoy, because I don't particularly care where you're going, either.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-15 07:19 am UTC |
Yet you continue to reply to every journal entry I make.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2004-06-15 12:14 pm UTC |
Draco, the Patronus Charm may seem trivial but in due time you may learn to see its merits. Some of my classmates were able to produce the Patronus when we were just about to leave Hogwarts, although I myself could not. When I was one and twenty, I finally had become properly attuned with my magical talent and was able to do so. I find that, upon discussion with other witches and wizards with whom I attended Hogwarts, that my Patronus was much stronger than those who had managed to produce the charm at the age of seventeen. I am not certain as to whether this can solely be attributed to being a Peltier or the fact that perhaps magic becomes more powerful with age. I should like to think that it is the former and not the latter.
potterstinks @ 2004-06-15 03:57 pm UTC |
If it will be better for me to learn it later, then I shan't feel sorry for myself for being unable to learn it now.