potterstinks @ 2002-08-30 15:47:00

Current mood:enraged

As if the fact that the house-elves are stalking me wasn't enough, Pansy and Millicent have alerted me to the fact that there's a new person stalking me. Upon further inspection, I have discovered it to be a mousey brunette Ravenclaw girl. Really, girls of Hogwarts, I understand that I am completely irresistible, but please; stalking is certainly not the way to go about things.

Everyone's got their knickers in a twist about this bloody Animagus class that's going on. I went to the first one, of course, as I'm certain I have quite the potential to become an Animagus. But, of course, like all other things in this school, it turned out to be a flop. As soon as we got there, McGonagall said we weren't even going to learn to become Animagi. Who wants to sit around listening to the boring history of Animagi for six weeks? I've learnt quite enough about boredom in History of Magic, thanks, and I certainly don't need to go learn more of it from Black. I didn't even sit through the entire thing, unlike some unfortunate people.

I suspect I may soon be coming down with an extraordinarily rare magical virus. If this is the case, I will have to remain at Hogwarts. Father will be disappointed, but I am certain that the colds of Durmstrang would not do well for my possible upcoming illness.

Of course, this certainly isn't an illness in relation to the silly Hufflepuff Sniffles going around. I remain impervious to Hufflepuff diseases. Unfortunately, Pansy seems to have been infected. Father sent soup from home in case I got ill, so I've sent a first year to deliver it to her. I would give it to her myself, of course, but I can't risk the fact that she might be contagious.

Soon we're going to have a Dracology lecture (on a Saturday, mind you) for Care of Magical Creatures. I've really no idea why I ever chose to take that course. Of course, given the alternatives, I was really left with no choice. Honestly, why would anyone want to take Muggle Studies? And we all know that Divination is bloody ridiculous. But you would think that they might have warned us that the stupid half-giant was going to be the professor. They didn't even warn us that Lupin was coming back this term, either. Oh, no, certainly we wouldn't mind another term with a werewolf. No need to warn us.

I attended the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff last weekend, which was dreadfully boring. Both teams are so inadequate, it was like watching two socks lying on the floor and expecting them to do something exciting. Gryffindor won, which rules Hufflepuff out at the chance at getting the Quidditch Cup. There was some sort of Hufflepuffian Revolt going on after the match. I suspect they were trying to tip the broomshed in rage.


la_pensee @ 2002-08-30 12:58 pm UTC

Draco, darling, I wanted to thank you for the soup. That first year finally got around to delivering it to me, although I do suspect that he drank some of it. I won't complain however as it was very good.


potterstinks @ 2002-08-30 01:00 pm UTC

Of course it was. I'll have to find him later today to interrogate him and see if he ingested any of it. If so, I'll be sure he receives his comeuppance immediately.

la_pensee @ 2002-08-30 01:11 pm UTC

Ooooh, Draco, I do love it when you're smug.

a_slytherin @ 2002-08-30 01:44 pm UTC

i didnt get any soup?????????????

potterstinks @ 2002-08-30 01:46 pm UTC

Who the sod are you?

a_slytherin @ 2002-08-30 01:53 pm UTC


crabbe @ 2002-08-30 01:59 pm UTC

Whatever it is, I've seen it hanging around our dorms. Maybe it's the rogue house-elf stalker or something?

crabbe @ 2002-08-30 01:06 pm UTC

Do you think it could be Turpin? She's been acting kind of weird lately...being really nosy and stuff. And I keep running into her in the halls (you should have been there when I worm-eared her, hee hee hee). But we should be able to smell the Ravenclaws coming soon, heh. Professor Snape is so great. Anyway, I went to the Animagus class instead of you, but the teachers were so busy squabbling I don't think they noticed. What with all the talk of defense against the dark arts, I got an idea of what can be -done- to a person in animagus form, which could be useful (for my project, of course).

Anyway, my father is off to the Continent for a few weeks. He wants to know if you or Your Father want him to pick up anything in particular while he's there. The Swiss chocolate is really good!

Hope you don't come down with anything anyway.

potterstinks @ 2002-08-30 01:18 pm UTC

Who is Turpin? Is she the Prefect? Hmm. Those Prefect witches really are rather nosy, aren't they? It's a good thing I haven't let power go to my head. Five points to Slytherin for good thinking, Crabbe.

Perhaps you ought to ask your father to buy himself a Quick-Quotes Quill while he's out so you can read his letters. I'm certainly not going to try deciphering them any longer.

crabbe @ 2002-08-30 01:25 pm UTC

What a great idea, Draco! I'll mention it to him.

Do you...uh...think Millicent would like anything? I'm thinking of asking father to get her a present.

potterstinks @ 2002-08-30 01:30 pm UTC

How should I know what Millicent wants? I don't know, chocolate sauce. Girls like that sort of thing. Actually, she could probably use a new broomstick. A nice strong one. Make sure it's not better than mine, though.

petitemillicent @ 2002-08-30 01:39 pm UTC

You do know that I can read this, too, don't you.

A new broom would be great.

M. B.

a_slytherin @ 2002-08-30 01:45 pm UTC

i didnt get any broom???????????

petitemillicent @ 2002-08-30 01:46 pm UTC


a_slytherin @ 2002-08-30 01:48 pm UTC

thanks sally-anne

petitemillicent @ 2002-08-30 01:57 pm UTC

Welcome, a_hufflepuff.

crabbe @ 2002-08-30 01:57 pm UTC

Err....hi Millicent.

I'll, um, look into it, promise. The school brooms are awful, aren't they.

petitemillicent @ 2002-08-30 01:59 pm UTC


Yes, they are.

M. B.

sinistra @ 2002-08-31 03:52 am UTC

What a creative photograph, Ms. Bulstrode. I have heard that the zombie look is, in fact, in this year. One point to Slytherin for my delightful joke at your expense.

crabbe @ 2002-08-31 06:26 am UTC

At least she's not looking like the Bride of Frnisren

...Frinkinsein? Franenstain?

(let me check my Muggle Studies notes)

sinistra @ 2002-08-31 06:49 am UTC

Mr. Crabbe, I do hope you will enjoy your detention with Professor Flitwick this evening.

just_harry @ 2002-08-30 01:42 pm UTC

Just because we're not going to become animagi doesn't mean the class is stupid, Malfoy. But I guess you won't have to worry about it at Durmstrang.

potterstinks @ 2002-08-30 01:50 pm UTC

Oh, of course, I should have realised. You have shown me the error of my ways, Potter. Perhaps I ought to go get a jumper with a large D on the chest and join you all in your boring little class. Then afterwards we can all sing the school song. Lord, you are easily entertained.

petitemillicent @ 2002-08-30 01:53 pm UTC

The Animagus class is the same as learning about the history of swimming before learning to swim.

No, not stupid at all.

M. B.
