potterstinks @ 2002-05-21 08:12:00 |
Current mood: | enraged |
Yesterday I cursed a second year Gryffindor so that she could only speak in rhymes.
deanthomas @ 2002-05-22 04:06 pm UTC |
It was my friend's toad. Except you were last in line when they were doling out friends.
And don't think I haven't smelled your breath.
potterstinks @ 2002-05-22 07:43 pm UTC Re: |
Did you get this offended when Madam Pomfrey killed off Potter's headlice? I'm sure they made rather good pets as well.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2002-05-21 01:51 pm UTC |
I think "Professor" Black is setting quite a bad example for the rest of us. He mentions me within every journal entry he writes, and has threatened me with curses. And yet, we apologise for putting him into Azkaban? The man is on his way back there, you just watch. He's supposed to be a professor, as disturbing as that is, and he's threatening me like a thirteen-year-old.
Well, that is your intention with this behaviour, isn't it, Mr. Malfoy? You do love to be the center of attention. Congratulations...
potions_master @ 2002-05-21 04:47 pm UTC |
You do love to be the center of attention. Congratulations...
This is the pot calling the kettle black, I do believe.
Have you found the whereabouts of your charmed hairbrush?
jadedsirius @ 2002-05-21 04:55 pm UTC |
I knew you couldn't keep your overlarge nose out of this, Sevvie. And it is only fitting that one such as I be the center of attention, don't you think?
As for my brush, I believe it is about to be sacrificed to the effort of you trying to get yourself laid...
potions_master @ 2002-05-21 05:06 pm UTC |
Trust you to bring something that crude up, Black. You cease to amaze me with your narcissistic predictability. But as for your unspoken challenge, I have never wanted for company when I feel the need for it. And I don't need to resort to such drastic measures like you do.
Vanity, thy name is Black.
potterstinks @ 2002-05-21 08:48 pm UTC Re: |
Good lord! I don't want to hear about this! You're supposed to be a professor!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-22 03:01 pm UTC *snorts* |
Who are you to talk about justice and Quidditch teams when YOU bootlick Snape, take points off Gryffindors for your own gains AND bought your way into the Quidditch team?! The Cannons are the best team EVER, you bug-eating sod!
potterstinks @ 2002-05-22 07:36 pm UTC *polishes Prefect badge* |
Bug-eating? You must be confusing me with you and your slug incident.
I took points off of Brown because she insulted her superior. Surely your Professor McGonagall would have done the same if you'd called her a "big meanie."
I'm simply doing my job, Weasel. After all, I didn't get it for nothing.
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-22 07:58 pm UTC *stabs* |
You didn't get it for nothing? Sure you did, arse kisser, stop abusing your stupid prefect's badge, you are no more a superior to Lavender than any of us just because of a shiny metal stuck to your chest, ferret git!
(parent) potterstinks @ 2002-05-22 08:36 pm UTC Re: *stabs* |
Well if I'm an arse kisser, surely your precious Granger must be as well. Considering, of course, the fact that the Prefects are chosen by unanimous vote.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-22 08:41 pm UTC Re: *stabs* |
Oh shut up, Malfoy, everyone knows you bribed the voters!
(parent) potterstinks @ 2002-05-22 11:26 pm UTC Re: *stabs* |
Are you saying your hero, Dumbledore, would accept a bribe? *smirks*
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-23 12:59 am UTC Re: *stabs* |
(parent) potterstinks @ 2002-05-23 01:32 am UTC Re: *stabs* |
I'm hardly twisting words. You said it yourself. I was simply asking you a question. You're rather impolite, Weasley, aren't you?
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-23 01:48 am UTC Re: *stabs* |
Impolite?! Who are YOU to call me impolite when YOU go around killing people's pets for your sadistic pleasure?!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-23 02:23 am UTC Re: *stabs* |
Nothing can be funnier than the ferret incident, Malfoy. Nothing.
(parent) potterstinks @ 2002-05-23 02:29 am UTC Re: *stabs* |
You must have been absent for the great slug-belching incident, then.
(parent) potterstinks @ 2002-05-23 02:45 am UTC Re: *stabs* |
Sure it was. You just weren't in any kind of position to be laughing.
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-23 02:48 am UTC Re: *stabs* |
I'll get you for that one day, Malfoy, you just wait, and wipe that stupid smirk off your even stupider face!
(parent) potterstinks @ 2002-05-23 03:34 am UTC Re: *stabs* |
It's a photo, Weasel. I'm not going to go edit it and get rid of my charming smile for you.