purestblood @ 2004-04-29 01:01:00

Current mood:anxious
Current music:Samuel Hexber, "Gethsemane"

It is late. I've been out in the garden, thinking. The manor is quiet and no one will stay awake with me. Trials are soon to take place--some of my own doing, some not--and I feel now as though it is all out of my hands. I can only sit back and watch events unfold. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I only hope Draco is too.

I'll have another drink. And wonder if the sins of the father will be visited upon the son.


blondenarcissa @ 2004-04-29 06:04 am UTC

You have been looking forward to this event for many moons, Lucius. I did not think that you would become quite so introspective; surely you are not growing apprehensive?

purestblood @ 2004-04-29 11:10 am UTC

Apprehensive is not quite the word, really. I don't know how to phrase it; are you available this afternoon?

blondenarcissa @ 2004-04-29 01:22 pm UTC

I am available this afternoon if you should like to converse. Coincidentally, I have a thing or two relating to tomorrow that I would like to address. I trust you will indulge me and consider my opinion carefully before taking time to respond; I suspect that you may find my words to be a bit impious.

purestblood @ 2004-04-29 03:42 pm UTC

I'll see you for tea, then. We can talk then; I'm open to any ideas you may have.
