purestblood @ 2002-11-16 01:18:00 |
Current mood: | irritated |
I suppose that when you're a Malfoy, everyone wishes to grasp whatever glory they can at your expense, however fleeting their glory may be. First there was my meeting with Molly Weasley. Quite interesting. She was of the opinion that Ron's behavior was, indeed, quite unacceptable, but defended the boy by saying he was provoked! I've always thought a sign of maturity is being able to rise above petty provocations--witness young Draco's grace when the slings and arrows of those less fortunate are directed his way--and, it is sad to say, immaturity must be a genetic trait among Weasleys. First her daughter cavorts about with the Dark Lord, opens the Chamber of Secrets, and no one thinks twice about this. Surely anyone can see what a danger that girl is to the students and staff of Hogwarts, if she allows herself to be so easily led by a book. If, that is, she was indeed acting on Tom Riddle's behalf. However, I've seen no evidence that she, or any Weasley, is a Parselmouth. Nevertheless, Molly did concede to having a serious discussion with Ronald. Perhaps she can drill some concepts of daily hygiene into his head while at it, but I, for one, am not holding my breath.
The Halloween Gala was most tiresome. It was cursed from the start. My costume was tight, the cape was lined in blue, not red, they delivered a Puffskein (that rental company is proof that one can indeed be a brain donor and still walk about), and then the dragon. We'll have to have all the carpets replaced. Narcissa must have been quite beside herself, for she only drank four martinis. The poor dear was distracted, I suppose. Sirius and I had a few words. He had the audacity to suggest Severus sought friendship elsewhere due to several irredeemable character flaws of mine. Then the man swings at me. The plastics mediwizard assured me that no lasting damage was done to my face.
The less said about the Gala, the better, although Severus came as a woman, befitting his newly emasculated status.
Poor Draco is holding up as well as he can but school life is becoming increasingly unbearable for him. It is not easy to carry the mantle of a Malfoy, my son, but it must be borne. Remember, we Malfoys are here to set example to those not fortunate enough to be purebloods.
I sent Narcissa off to Cairo for the autumn fashion shows. She's had a hard time of it, and I thought a few new gowns would help erase the trauma of the past month. She's now bringing up the "Fake Lucius" bit again. I can only assume we're low on vodka and have ordered more for her. She came by my rooms before she left for Cairo, but I confess: my trousers have been a bit tight lately and I was exercising. She, not having had a martini that day, leapt to conclusions. It appears that the werewolf has not been able to find a suitable mate, however, and has now latched on to her. He's now resorted to buying her gifts. He needs to learn that one cannot buy love or affection. I suggest he look towards Romania for companionship. Besides which, he can't afford Narcissa.
In other news, I took delivery of some superb absinthe earlier this month. I invited Sirius to the Manor, to work out our differences. It went quite well, and we had an enjoyable evening reminiscing. I think it's safe to say we have overcome any misunderstandings we might have harbored where the other was concerned.
blushcrush @ 2002-11-16 07:21 am UTC |
Mr. Malfoy, you were the one who gave me that book. No one has second thoughts about it more than me.
Ginny Weasley
purestblood @ 2002-11-17 01:40 am UTC |
Dear Virginia,
I merely gave you the diary as a token. I thought that you, being the youngest of your family, and the only female besides your mother, would want an outlet for your feelings. I thought a diary would provide an excellent outlet for your thoughts and feelings, as well as a place for you to practice your penmanship. I am aware that diaries can be expensive. Hence the gift. I, of course, had no idea that it was enchanted.
Lucius Malfoy
knight_to_h3 @ 2002-11-17 08:23 pm UTC |
A LIKELY STORY! No idea it was enchanted, my foot! Ginny could have been killed, you scum! Keep your filthy gifts to yourself, we don't want any of your dirt! Maybe you should get your bloody son a real diary so he will stop posting on the damn journals when nobody wants to read his idiotic posts! Get one for yourself while you're at it!
(parent) purestblood @ 2002-11-17 10:18 pm UTC Re: |
Mr. Weasley,
Your sister has proven herself quite able to stand up for herself in the past. Please allow her to do so now.
Lucius Malfoy
potterstinks @ 2002-11-16 10:02 pm UTC |
I understand my duties as a Malfoy, rest assured.
Your protege,
purestblood @ 2002-11-17 01:42 am UTC |
I am glad to hear it. Please keep me apprised of any other untoward behavior or stalking that you may experience while in school.
Your father
jadedsirius @ 2002-11-17 09:54 pm UTC |
I find I am in agreement with you once again, Lucius. If you have any of the absinthe left perhaps we could drink to our newfound understanding.
purestblood @ 2002-11-17 10:06 pm UTC Re: |
I think that would be an excellent idea. I am in dire need of some stress relief at the moment, with Narcissa's recent behavior. I half wonder if the werewolf has enchanted her somehow.
jadedsirius @ 2002-11-18 06:04 am UTC |
Stress relief sounds perfect. Same time, same place?
And I do hope we won't be interrupted this time?
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-18 10:40 am UTC |
My behavior would only be stressful to one who was guilty of DECEPTION. By the by, DO leave Remus out of this. Why are you insistent upon mentioning him in almost every bit of correspondence lately?
purestblood @ 2002-11-18 03:18 pm UTC |
Ah, my love, I am merely noting your newfound efforts to broaden your circle of acquaintances. Do please explain to me why you are accepting gifts from other men, and oh yes... after the Gala, when you woke up, costume in disarray... mind telling me just how it ended up that way? You will recall that I was indisposed in my chambers, injured.
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-18 03:25 pm UTC |
Do please explain to me why you are buying gifts for other men. And as for my disarray costume, I already stated in a previous journal entry that I DON'T RECALL WHAT HAPPENED.
(parent)purestblood @ 2002-11-18 03:51 pm UTC |
Narcissa, you know that I buy gifts for others all the time. For you, for Draco, for Severus. Buying gifts for my friends is nothing new, and I wanted to send Sirius a peace offering.
As for your night at the Gala, ignorance is no excuse, my darling.
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-18 03:54 pm UTC |
Yes I am well aware that you gift your friends generously. I, however, am unable to believe that you would send Sirius a 'peace offering' of such a suggestive item of apparel on the pretense of friendship alone.
I never said ignorance is an excuse.
purestblood @ 2002-11-18 03:57 pm UTC Re: |
Perhaps to you a leather jacket is suggestive, in which case I do wish you'd informed me before now, but in Black's case, it is merely practical. The man rides a motorcycle, after all, and there are certain accessories that must be worn.
Poor, poor Narcissa. What a burden it must be to carry the weight of such a title as Mistress of Malfoy Manor. Would you care to be relieved of it? It can be arranged.
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-18 04:02 pm UTC |
You would never do such a thing, darling. After all, we share many marriage secrets, don't we? I am quite sure that, should you ever attempt to dissolve anything properly, I would no longer be legally able to remain silent about certain activities which occurred during our marriage.
(parent) purestblood @ 2002-11-18 07:55 pm UTC Re: |
You're forgetting, dear, that no one takes a word you say seriously. Who would believe you?
Come. Let's not quarrel. How about a nice trip to Paris to see the spring collections? I am sure the change of scenery will do you well, and I think the new spring colors will look magnificent on you.
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-18 08:14 pm UTC Re: |
Some people would believe me, darling.
Paris? I assume you would mean to accompany me? And of course the new Spring colours will look magnificent on me - how could they not?
purestblood @ 2002-11-18 08:31 pm UTC Re: |
Agreed. Of course I'll come with you. We'll stay in our usual suite. I think the new colors will really highlight your features, don't you? I'd also like to go to Provence and Champagne and restock the wine cellar.
Would you be able to go in a week or so?
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-18 08:35 pm UTC |
The new colours will enhance my natural beauty, yes. Restocking the wine cellar whilst on our travels is indeed a good plan.
A week from now is fine.
purestblood @ 2002-11-18 09:20 pm UTC Re: |
Excellent. I've taken delivery of some vodka from Finland today, and it's in the cellar. Do enjoy it, love.
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-18 09:24 pm UTC |
If you insist, so be it. Your taste, as always, is exquisite.
jadedsirius @ 2002-11-18 04:17 pm UTC |
Lucius, if you are concerned for your wife's "virtue" at the hands of Remus, let me assure you that you have nothing to worry about. He tried the other side of the fence once and the results were... embarrassing. No need for concern there.
purestblood @ 2002-11-18 07:57 pm UTC Re: |
Thank you so much, Sirius. I confess to having a thought or two as to some possible indiscretions. Narcissa can be so easily led astray.
Shall we meet this weekend in Hogsmeade?
jadedsirius @ 2002-11-18 11:00 pm UTC |
I look forward to it. You can see for yourself how well your gift suits me. The feel of the supple leather against bare skin is quite something.
lupercus @ 2002-11-23 09:51 pm UTC |
Don't you dare bring her into this.
I should have bitten you when I had the chance.
lupercus @ 2002-11-18 11:28 am UTC |
Your wife is more perceptive than you give her credit for, Malfoy. It doesn't take an Enlightenment Charm to show that a waste of magic you are.
- Lupin
purestblood @ 2002-11-18 03:14 pm UTC |
You're certainly a waste of something. Please do enlighten us all as to what, exactly, Sirius found so lacking that he had to seek it elsewhere?