seamus_f @ 2004-06-21 22:20:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
One down, four to go.
I received an E on this journal which I am hoping is a good omen. Tomorrow we have free, for no apparent reason. I decided on Saturday, no last minute revision, so I think that I will just spend time in quiet contemplation.
Or not.
I can't believe we'll be leaving here in nine days. I can't believe that my life's work rests on my scores on five exams. I can't believe that soon I will never live here again, I will never sleep in a room with these four men. I will be a former Gryffindor. I will be an alumnus.
Who's brilliant idea was this, again?
lupercus @ 2004-06-21 07:25 pm UTC |
If you bore of navel-gazing, you could always stop by my office for tea. I should like to see you before the end.
It's rather frightening isn't it? To look at the future as this wide-open space spread out, stretching far ahead of you. Seems a great distance to cover on your own two legs (or, in your case, four). I think you will be fine, though. You're steady on your feet and you have a good head about you, and a nice someone at your side. You don't need much else to be comfortable in your new world, really.
Except perhaps a nice arse. It certainly does not hurt.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-21 07:33 pm UTC |
I should like to see you as well. Navel-gazing isn't that interesting anyway. I'd much rather contemplate someone else's.
Well, when you put it like that! I am scared out of my fucking mind, Remus. How did you do this? I really don't feel steady, at all.
lupercus @ 2004-06-21 07:38 pm UTC |
I'm afraid it would be completely inappropriate for you to contemplate my navel, my dear boy. It really isn't so fascinating, anyway. You'd be much more entertained by drying paint or growing grass.
I'd call you a fool if you weren't scared, you know. Fear isn't anything to be ashamed of, it is actually a very good source of inspiration. It is the kick in the arse you may very well need to get yourself going.
Steady on, Mr Finnigan. Steady on.
Where are you off to, once the term ends?
seamus_f @ 2004-06-21 07:49 pm UTC |
You are the worst lech. When did I say that I would be contemplating your navel, exactly? However, I have watched paint dry and grass grow, at your behalf as I recall, and I can say that there is likely not a part of you less interesting than that.
Never mind that I need an E from that husband of yours, and it would not do to anger him.
I am going! I could not possibly be going any faster! But now there is nothing to do but do—no more preparation, no more that I can do, except take the exam and hope for the best, and I am going mad with anxiety, thank you very much. Steady on my arse. Hmph.
If the exams hold, London. We are working on Dean to accept art school, as well. So, for me the jolt of the capital. What about you? Plans for the summer?
lupercus @ 2004-06-21 08:07 pm UTC |
I am shameless, I know. And you are correct in assuming that there is no part of me that could be considered mind-numbing. I am not merely decorative but am also functional!
Sirius is a pushover. Just doodle pro-Gryffindor slogans across the top of your exam, and you'll pass. He's a sucker for House pride.
Calm down. Don't make me slip a sleeping draught into your tea and stow you away for the night. I'll put you in a box until you have managed to contain yourself. Don't think I won't do it.
If you should like a place to stay for a spell while you get on your feet, you are welcome to use my flat in Chelsea. I believe you still know how to get into it. Just keep it tidy and we'll call it even, right so?
I haven't any plans for the holidays as of yet. Harry has expressed interest in more travel, so perhaps we will look into that. Myself, I am content to go home and perfect my mint juleps and read Russian novels.
Hm. Perhaps I am boring after all.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-21 08:21 pm UTC |
Not only decorative and functional, but egotistical! Really, your wandering eye would be less amusing if you weren't married to the most handsome wizard in the British Isles. But thank you for the tip. I'll remember it on Thursday.
I really am very stressed. There is far too much use of italics here. However, do not put me in a box. You have been trying to pack me away for yourself for a while now and it is unseemly. Let's not be greedy.
I have very fond memories of that flat, actually. Thanks for the offer. I hope I can bring the same companion?
Mint juleps? Russian novels? You are going to grow a beard, aren't you? No, no. The man said, "I've seen more clouds of grey than any Russian play could guarantee" which says to me that you should not spend the summer getting pissed on rum and reading Dostoyevsky. This seems a recipe for disaster.
I also can't imagine that Mr. Black will actually let you get away with it.
jadedsirius @ 2004-06-21 09:23 pm UTC |
I knew I liked you for a reason, Finnigan.
Ten points to Gryffindor for having excellent taste, and an additional five for also having good sense.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-21 09:36 pm UTC |
Thank you, professor!
If you could remember that on Thursday, it would be a help.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-21 07:36 pm UTC |
I can't believe that soon I will never live here again, I will never sleep in a room with these four men.
You're going to miss my snoring. Admit it.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-21 07:42 pm UTC |
Silencing charm. Look into it.
But I will miss your leaving chocolate all over the room and forgetting about it, so that we can steal it and eat it ourselves, and then in our turn leaving chocolate and blaming it on you. I will miss that.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-06-21 07:52 pm UTC |
You've all been eating my chocolate??!!! And now you finally admit it?
Seriously though, I'll miss your whistling in the morning. Well, as long as was whistling after 7:30 a.m. Before that, it sometimes was a bit much.
I'll miss the other 'mates, too. Well, I won't miss the smell of Ron's shoes. Or Harry's robes after one of those legendary six hour Quidditch practices. Or Dean's colored pencil shavings all over the floor.
(And yeah, I know what you mean about being fucking scared. I'm terrified, too. When you look at it that way, N.E.W.T.s is definitely the easy part.)
deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 12:27 pm UTC |
I am sort of torn between leaving a comment, talking to you in person, or making a post of my own. The latter is sort of a useless impulse now since I already received a D on my journal.
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 05:19 pm UTC |
I think you should make an entry, as it will likely be your last one since I can't imagine your keeping up this journal from wherever we might end up after we leave here. But I'll let you post from mine from time to time if you want to.
And you've already left a comment and talked to me, anyway.
Did you have a good lie-in this morning?
deanthomas @ 2004-06-22 07:05 pm UTC |
Okay, I'll make an entry. It is a day off after all.
Will update about lie-in from there.
legit_regit @ 2004-06-22 02:15 pm UTC |
Seamus, how can you stand going without revision today? I'm so thankful that we have this free day; I felt grossly underprepared during yesterday's exams, and now I've been given another chance!
seamus_f @ 2004-06-22 05:21 pm UTC |
Last minute revision makes me nervous and confused, so it's much better that I get into a relaxed frame of mind. My thoughts flow onto the parchment much easier that way.
Instead, I've had a nice extra day to enjoy Hogwarts while I still live here. Only eight more days! Can you imagine?