seamus_f @ 2003-05-17 11:02:00

Current mood: confused

Through the Looking Glass
*peers out from behind a very large pile of books*

WHAT is going on in this house? Or this school for that matter? I feel like suddenly everything is backwards. Regard:

1. [info]just_harry and [info]potterstinks seem rather chummy. But I had my say, and it's certainly not my place to forgive, so if Harry chooses to do so, he's a bigger man than I am. Which we already knew, of course.

2. [info]pinkstarsgirlie has gone completely around the bend. Could there have been more bunnies in that post? And what about your friends, Lav?

3. [info]erniemacmillan seems to think he's some sort of gumshoe. Guess what, mate? It's Hogwarts, 1997, not San Francisco, 1935. Just because I grew up wizarding doesn't mean I haven't read my Da's Hammett, and you, sir, are no Sam Spade.

4. [info]boot_boy, my partner for the project, is actually doing work. Though I think he's just doing it so Dean will say nice things about him to [info]petitemillicent. I will say, despite the restaurant incident, that they are a well-matched couple. He's much better behaved when she's around than when she's not. He still shows off, but somehow it's sweet instead of annoying.

5. [info]colin__creevey, original fan, started a hate Harry club. Absolutely ridiculous. That nearly all the Hufflepuffs attended is no surprise. That Colin thinks this is the best way to win back the fair Soblessa is idiotic.

6. Last but by no means least, [info]wheresmytoad stood up to [info]potions_master yesterday in class! It was surprising, but even Nev has his limits. There he was, just working away, losing points and not saying anything, like any other class, and then Snape lays into him with those crazy accusations of his—all sotto vocce, of course, but we all knew what he was saying—and Nev just packed up and left. Snape tried to stop him and Nev just cut him COLD. I say, good for you, Neville! Buck up, buttercup!

Back in the world of people who behave as they should, Dean has been shut up in the room working on his wedding present for Profs Lupin and Black. The wedding was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, and I was truly honored that they shared that day with the rest of us. Gave me hope, it did, that in spite of everything . . . well, I won't say. I think it made Dean feel better about things, too, but I'm not sure.

After that things descended into chaos pretty rapidly. I thought I must have got to the punch before certain ginger-haired waiters did, but Dean says that I just don't have any secrets because I never shut up. However, he can't talk because I asked him, "What is your favourite color" and he talked for six hours straight about colour theory. Colour in paint, colour in light, colour on the computer, colour in nature, colour in clothing, colour in film and video (something about blacker blacks and whiter whites). I never knew that anyone could know so much about colour, or even that there was so much to know. However, I now understand why Malfoy was right in refusing to wear those puce robes; they would have washed him right out.

Now, sadly, back to work for me. I think I have an idea for a present for my lad, but it will have to wait until the honeymooners return.


finch_fletchley @ 2003-05-17 09:14 am UTC

I see where this is going. All Hufflepuffs look the same, is that it?

seamus_f @ 2003-05-17 09:21 am UTC

You must admit you've got quite a hive mind going on over there. Do any of you think for yourselves, or do you just blindly follow MacMillan's paranoid visions? Really, what has Harry actually done to any of you?

finch_fletchley @ 2003-05-17 09:25 am UTC

I think you're forgetting a little thing called "You-Know-Who." We'll be the ones still standing when this entire place goes down. As for what Harry has personally done, well, I think his actions at the Bleu Ball speak for themselves.

seamus_f @ 2003-05-17 09:33 am UTC

Hey, I'm just as much on you-know-who's list as you are, so you needn't remind me. And as for who will be left standing, my bet's on the boy.

Harry's behaviour to Susan was far less than admirable, I admit. He likely should apologize to her. She's a very nice girl.

(And believe me, I know how it feels when someone you care for gets hurt; you want to protect them, avenge them. I do it all the time.)

But none of this means that Harry is a bad egg, just that he's made some mistakes, especially where Susan is concerned. Not to put too fine a point on it, but haven't you?

finch_fletchley @ 2003-05-17 09:41 am UTC

Hey now, I'm not saying he can't make mistakes. But come on, you can't possibly think Potter's a good guy. I mean, don't you wonder about a guy who wants to date Malfoy? That's not on, man. And I won't even begin on all that Dark Arts stuff.

seamus_f @ 2003-05-17 09:50 am UTC

There are a LOT of people in this school who have wanted to date Malfoy at one time or another. He has his appeal. Not for me, but I know a Ravenclaw or two that had an eye for him, and I wouldn't say that they are suspect.

Dark Arts stuff? If he hadn't an inbred talent for that we neither of us would be standing here and I don't mean maybe. We don't discuss it or even tease him about it much because he's modest like that, but at the end of the day he's still The Boy Who Lived. You shouldn't worship him, but you should respect him.

finch_fletchley @ 2003-05-17 09:52 am UTC

Hey, man. I'm just saying.

seamus_f @ 2003-05-17 12:40 pm UTC

Hey, man, I understand. Look, you don't have to be Harry's friend, no one is forcing you. It's just my experience that hate is a complete waste of time and energy. But I guess I'm a lover, not a fighter.


pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-17 10:30 am UTC

Why are you being sooooo mean??? T_T


seamus_f @ 2003-05-17 12:35 pm UTC

I'm mean? I'm mean?

People who used to be your friends that you aren't very nice to anymore:

Dean Thomas
Harry Potter
Neville Longbottom
Seamus Finnigan

I also think that telling Parvati not to eat really isn't very nice, but that's between you and her.

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-05-17 12:50 pm UTC

See?? >.< You're being mean right now!!! T_T

seamus_f @ 2003-05-17 01:33 pm UTC

Lavender! Neville is moping around all over the place and you don't want to talk to him. Dean has been moping around for two months and you've said nothing. I can't even talk about your behaviour regarding Harry and keep a civil tongue in my head. How is pointing out what you are doing being mean?

I'm sad too, Lavender. We used to be good friends and we aren't anymore and I don't know what can be done about that. I miss you.
