seamus_f @ 2003-07-06 23:43:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Hip hip hoorah.
Behold Seamus Finnigan, proud owner of one Apparation License.
Behold also Kathleen Finnigan, proud nagger of aforementioned Seamus, her only son. And what about?
"What happened between you and that nice Thomas boy? He was very good for you."
She's worse than anyone at school ever was—at least they listened to me when I asked them to stop talking about it! She has decided that I have "thrown away a good man". I know for a fact that she broke up with her Hogwarts boyfriend when she was nineteen and after that she met Da, so I'm not sure what she's on about. Honestly, it isn't as if I'm bound for spinsterhood. I'm seventeen!
Meanwhile, she has decided that I will not, as we previously discussed, volunteer at the local wizarding clinic for part of the summer; she feels that I need a rest. Well, I did sleep for nearly two days straight through when I came home. I certainly worked enough at the end of June to give me a good sense of what being a Healer is all about, and I met some Healers from St. Mungo's, so really, there's no need of it. I'll be helping Madame Pomfrey again during the school year, anyway.
However, this leaves me with little to do over the holidays, which will not do. It looks like Mandy and Hannah are visiting late this month or perhaps in August; I'm sure they are only now settling in at home and all of our parents were understandably clingy after recent events. But now I have the ability to go almost anywhere, and no place to go. Things at the Burrow seem chaotic enough; no one can really visit Harry, sadly; Neville is working; and, well, um, other people are traveling, or so I've heard.
Oh well, I suppose I can start studying for my NEWTs. That should be a thrill a minute. Whee.
wheresmytoad @ 2003-07-08 04:58 am UTC |
You can come for a weekend visit! Why not, mate? I asked Gran, and she said fine. This weekend or next? We can bomb around Manchester or Blackpool or whatever you like. Blackpool's tacky, yeah, but I know some wizarding spots.
(Hey, I'd occasionally like some company, myself, of someone under seventy years of age, you know!)
seamus_f @ 2003-07-09 04:08 pm UTC |
That sounds brill, Neville. I've landed at Dogear Wyrde for the time being—the next fortnight at least, keeping Professor Lupin company until Professor Black returns. So you will be my next stop! I love tacky!
How is the job so far?
wheresmytoad @ 2003-07-09 05:44 pm UTC |
Glad you'll be able to come. We'll have a grand time.
The job has been wonderful but, um, complicated. Much more so than I expected. It's because I'm working with muggles, see, and I'm just not used to being around them. I keep making mistakes that make them think I'm a bit dotty. I'll be posting about it in my journal, probably later tonight.