seamus_f @ 2003-09-09 01:27:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
The rooms seem smaller every year
Well, back we are, and I suppose it's all to the good though it seems to me that this will be the longest year yet. I spent much of the summer in the company of those somewhat older than me, whether my own siblings or Charlie or lupercus so being back here where nearly everyone is younger is a bit jarring. The first years, why, they're babies.
I saw Jeremy Theobald today. He seems to have got nearly all his speech back, which is very good, though I believe he'll always have that little bit of a halt. They're third years now, those five wee Hufflepuffs, with Hogsmeade weekend to look forward to and all that. Hard to believe that was only ten weeks ago. Though I imagine not so hard for Colin or Ginny.
I have dropped some classes to work on others and take a proper independent study with Madame Pomfrey rather than the informal helping out I'd done in the past. Credit and all, you know. Besides, my Potions and Herbology grades really need to improve so I can get the NEWT scores to earn that apprenticeship at St Mungo's.
Meanwhile, our dorm has become sulk central. Neville has a hair trigger; Dean is even more silent than ever; Harry is sullen; I'm no prize meself; and Ron, as usual, is vaguely oblivious to all of it. Naturally, none of this gets in the way of poker. For we are real men who sit around grouchily playing card games together and never discussing anything.
I need to go shopping. Anyone interested?
Speaking of which, had tea with Professor Lupin this evening. For a better tennis match you'd have to go to Wimbledon. And he never did tell me what the best bribe for a good Potions grade would be . . .
seamus_f @ 2003-09-09 06:25 am UTC |
Dunno. It's more of an existential need than a practical need, though I do have some poker winnings burning a hole in my pocket.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2003-09-09 06:41 am UTC |
Very well. You are both in need of home furnishings, after all.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2003-09-09 06:43 am UTC |
Oh, Potter does? I just thought he ought to come by default. Well, I suppose if there's something in it for him that's fine as well.
(parent)seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 06:58 pm UTC |
I think we should go to Glasgow. There is nothing new in Hogsmeade. There never is. This, of course, means we should leave early.
Are you going to ask him? Because he doesn't seem to know he's going, and really, I don't think it's my place.
potterstinks @ 2003-09-10 07:01 pm UTC |
There's not even anything old in Hogsmeade. I suppose we'll have to get Hogsmeade passes and then Apparate from there. I suppose half-six in the morning would be an acceptable time to leave.
I wasn't aware I had to ask. I rather thought you could simply wake him up at the appropriate time and tell him he's going.
seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 07:06 pm UTC |
Half-six it is. The only way to get there and have enough time to properly shop and return before lights out.
Are you mad, Malfoy? Wake TBWL at some ungodly hour, unawares? It's as much as my life is worth! No, I'll wake him in time to go, but only if you tell him ahead of time. Though he's off at Quidditch now anyway.
So what are you doing with your time this evening since the Boy Wonder is out galavanting?
potterstinks @ 2003-09-10 07:14 pm UTC |
Don't be such an utter baby. I'm sure he'd be too confused with fatigue to do anything. In fact, you could likely tell him that he'd known all the time and had only just forgotten in his fatigue confusion. It's likely that's what will happen in the end anyway, regardless of whether or not I tell him.
But fine, fine. I'm not afraid of TBWL. I'll tell him he's going along with me. Of course, I may have to be vague about the time. I don't think Potter's good at time management. He'd probably think we could leave at three in the afternoon and still get back in time. It's best not to frighten him. He might attack.
I'm turning a tumbler into a tortoise, but for some reason I keep giving it a glass shell. Oh, well. It looks interesting, anyway, so I meant to do it all along.
seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 07:24 pm UTC |
Confused with fatigue indeed. How many times have YOU woken him up?
No, don't answer that. I don't want to know.
Anyway, Harry needs to accept his noble birthright as a gay man, so it's very proper he should come along.
Why on EARTH are you doing elementary transfiguration? Though I admit, I'm just sitting here watching Dean draw his own hand over and over again. Surely we can think of something more interesting to do.
potterstinks @ 2003-09-10 07:36 pm UTC |
I am doing elementary transfiguration because I'm waiting for the Tornadoes match to finish so I can find out who won. I'm also listening to it on the WWN, but since I can barely hear it I thought I'd transfigure while I wait. Besides, I had Transfiguration today and we were transfiguring glass.
Once I slipped Potter a Sleeping Potion. He looked rather betrayed when I let him know before he fell asleep. Anyway, it was the betrayal of confusion, I expect. My point, however, is that I put him to sleep and left him that way. I never wake Potter up. It's not my job. I don't even live in the same region of the castle.
I thought I'd sit here and exchange witty banter about Potter until the Tornaodes match ends and then I thought I'd turn in for the evening. It's nice having a schedule.
seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 07:48 pm UTC |
The betrayal of confusion or the confusion of betrayal? Anyway, it isn't my job either but I will take one for the team. Did he ever return the favor?
Won't you find out who won tomorrow in the Prophet? I expect we will be woken by the return of two lads, be they pleased or dejected, and I'll find out then. Though I do like Quidditch on the wireless, I admit. It has a nice rhythm to it.
Do you keep that schedule written down or do you make it up as you go along?
potterstinks @ 2003-09-10 08:01 pm UTC |
Why would I need a Sleeping Potion? I never have trouble sleeping.
I like to know these things before the Prophet comes out, you realise. What's the point in marching into the Great Hall completely unprepared? If I'm going to take the piss out of Weasley, I ought to know why I'm doing it. Besides, perhaps I'll get creative and wear a Tornadoes hat or something. Who knows? I won't unless I sit here and wait.
I think Thomas ought to do a portrait of me. Surely that would make things less boring for you. I can send over some glossy photographs.
The Tornadoes' Chasers evidently just performed the Woollongong Shimmy. Why bother with moves created by Australians? I mean, really.
Actually, I do a bit of both. I do have a diary to keep my meetings organised, you know. Speaking of which, am I to tell Potter this weekend or Saturday next? I'll have to mark that in my diary as well so I'm not double-booked.
seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 08:15 pm UTC |
You know, I'm sure you never do.
I didn't realize you HAD a Tornadoes hat. How very interesting. Does it have holders for Butterbeer bottles and those handy straws? At any rate, I'm glad that you clearly put so much time and energy and forethought into taking the piss out of Ron. So caring of you, in a backwards sort of way.
Dean does not do portraits from photographs. Also, he's more of a cartoonist than a portraitist so you will have to be prepared for a bit of characature. I'm not sure your delicate sensibilities will accept that. However, if you cared to sit for him I'm sure he'd be glad of a new subject. I thought he was rather finished drawing me, but he seems to be doing so at the moment, so who knows, really.
Saturday this. No time like the present.
Speaking of the sport of wizards, how is your team shaping up? Will I be getting a lot of business at the mediwizard tent thanks to MB?
Oh, and heavens, I cannot believe I forgot this: Please send my best regards to your mother. What a horrid experience.
potterstinks @ 2003-09-10 08:30 pm UTC |
Well, I don't actually have a Tornadoes hat, but I'm rather sure I could make one. I could also make some sort of banner. Or I could just make a cartoon photo of me dressed in blue robes and use it in retaliation of Potter and Weasley's Chudley icons.
I don't see why I should have to go sit around so Thomas can draw a cartoon of me. I'm sure he knows what I look like. Everyone does. Perhaps something in the way of me wearing a crown and holding a sceptre would do. I had my portrait done with Millicent last year when we went on a date, but she took up most of the portrait.
We've not got try-outs until 19 September, at which point anyone trying out for Beater will have to prove they can hold their own against Millicent, so I suppose you'll get plenty to do.
I expect Gryffindor try-outs will be soon as well, then.
Is Potter back yet?
seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 08:51 pm UTC |
I think a cartoon would be rather fetching. So little-boy like.
Dean, regarding drawing a portrait of you in crown and sceptre: "Like fun, Malfoy." Personally, I think it would be a bit over-the-top. Anyway, Dean says that looking at people casually and observing them are two different things. I just call it sanctioned staring.
MB would take up most of the frame with anyone short of Hagrid.
Thank you for the warning. I'll put it down in my diary to be sure to get plenty of sleep the evening of the 18th.
He's not back yet. But the game isn't over yet anyway. Why would he be back?
potterstinks @ 2003-09-10 08:59 pm UTC |
I just happen to find Potter's carrotesque icon annoying.
I'm sure Thomas has observed me before. As I said, everyone does. I'm quite observable. If not crown and sceptre, there's always a simple glowing light surrounding my person. I'm not picky.
I thought he might have left early due to my outstanding boredom. I'm certain it can't be that interesting a match. I'll have to go rearrange Millicent's stamp collection soon.
seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 09:16 pm UTC |
You don't find it annoying at all. You're just saying that to save face. You find it completely adorable like everyone else. Admit it and you'll feel so much better.
Yes, I'm sure that Harry's motivation for everything he does is your boredom. He's having a night out with his mate. He'll be back when he's back. I'm sure you'll be the first to know.
Stamps? She collects stamps? What do you collect, by the way?
potterstinks @ 2003-09-10 09:33 pm UTC |
No, I really don't. In fact, if Potter uses that icon, I'd prefer he not speak at all.
What's wrong with a glowing light? I thought it would nicely represent the way everyone else basks in me.
I should be everyone's motivation to do anything, I feel. It's not much to ask. Besides, Joey Jenkins just got a foul. Surely the Cannons are getting desperate.
Of course Millicent collects stamps. She has a great deal of dead bugs pressed under glass, too, though I'm the one who gave them to her. I collect broken Snitches. I've got a sack of them in the bottom of my trunk. I also collect blackmail. I assume you collect fedoras or something equally silly.
seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 10:15 pm UTC |
You know, the more I talk to you, the less I can take anything you say seriously.
I would think that the more desperate the Cannons are, the more likely he is to stay until the bitter end, actually.
I do not collect fedoras. I collect vintage Playwizard magazines. I love how they'll have an amazing classic short story, then an important interview, then oo! Naked witches!
potterstinks @ 2003-09-10 10:51 pm UTC |
Go ahead and ask Potter, then. In fact, I've considered hacking into Potter's account and getting rid of it.
The match just ended, anyway. Oh, well, that was rather dull.
Why do you collect Playwizard? Isn't that a bit ridiculous? What are the stories even about? Do you hang photos from it on your walls? Are you going for a vintage pornography theme when you get your own flat?
seamus_f @ 2003-09-10 11:00 pm UTC |
You do that, cowboy.
Who won? Well, I suppose I'll find out soon enough.
They are an amazing artifact of mid-century wizarding Britain. The stories are about what stories are about: life and love and imporant things. It isn't my fault you cannot appreciate good fiction. And of course I don't hang photos of it on my wall, not only because I don't really want to look at pictures of naked women but also because ripping apart the magazines lowers their value.
Well, I believe our work here is done. They've just come in now, so Dean and I are going to go up to bed.
Good night, Malfoy.