seekercho @ 2003-05-21 15:18:00

Current mood: excited
Current music:Terry muttering to himself something about having to run far away...

Oh my goodness!! Professor Lupin just gave me this in the Great Hall and I can't believe it! Ginny READ THIS IT IS FROM YOUR BROTHER!!!

Professor Lupin thank you so much for this! I can't believe it! Of course it's going to be fun telling my mum about it but I can't imagine she wouldn't let me go! This is a wonderful opportunity and I'm so excited I can't sit still!

Ginny where are you, will you help me write an owl to my mum about this?



blushcrush @ 2003-05-21 05:30 pm UTC

OH, CHO!! That's just what you wanted, isn't it?? I am so excited for you! Listen, I'll come by Ravenclaw in half an hour! I don't know how much help I'll be, but I'm definitely coming!