seekercho @ 2003-03-29 12:28:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | "Me and a Wand," Celestina Warbeck |
I don't suppose this is anyone's business but since that Chuin-zi bloody made it everyone's business then I suppose I should say something about before the whole of the school gets the wrong idea.
Yes, I polyjuiced myself into Terry Boot for the Hallowe'en ball and yes I danced with Ginny. And yes, I kissed her. I did it because I was afraid to do it as myself because I didn't know how Ginny would react, but I really liked her and I wanted to just see if... oh, and it was lovely but so frightening and I didn't know what to do so I ran away and I couldn't talk to her, and the last few months were so bloody miserable so when she turned up at Professor Lupin's party I just had to tell her everything.
And Ginny was so lovely, about all of it, she understood and - she's an amazing, wonderful, sweet girl, and I'm so lucky that she's still my friend and everything else besides. I think this could be... I don't know. I don't want to say anything in case i jinx it. I'm just so very delighted.
And I understand why she went to tell her brother because you know, you think you can tell your brother anything and especially the important things, but you don't expect your brother to be a bloody prat about it and I don't care what he thinks of me, not really, but he hurt Ginny so much and she's so afraid he hates her, now, because she's... And it doesn't make sense that Ron would be this much of an idiot because look at Charlie! He didn't mind THAT at all but now that it's Ginny he's a dirty great bastard about the whole thing, and that's so unfair.
And poor Ginny can't stop crying, and I've owled her mum explaining everything to her so she doesn't worry, but there's been no answer yet and I heard that Professor Lupin's owled them too, about what Ron said about poor Cedric, and I think Mr and Mrs Weasley might have to come to the school, which is making Ginny even more upset because now I think she's afraid her parents will be disappointed in her, and it's all just bollocks and it's ALL RON'S BLOODY FAULT.
Professor McGonagall, or Professor Black, would it be all right if Ginny stayed in the Ravenclaw dorms for a while? I don't think the other girls will mind very much, they're all very fond of Ginny, but she shouldn't have to go back to her dorm when her brother's being so awful to her, should she?
Harry? Are you still on for Quidditch tonight? Have you asked Professor Lupin if he'd come along? I do hope so, this will be fun!
On my way to the library, Ginny, if you're not doing anything else.
jadedsirius @ 2003-03-29 04:19 pm UTC |
If it were up to me, I'd say it's fine, Miss Chang. But I'm afraid Professor McGonagall will have to have the last word.
seekercho @ 2003-03-29 11:26 pm UTC |
Thanks, Professor. If I see her at all, I will ask her. Have you any idea where she might be?
- Cho Chang
just_harry @ 2003-03-29 04:33 pm UTC |
Yeah! I just have to wash up, I had detention with Snape this morning, and now I'm really gross, so I'll probably be done washing up in July or so. I don't mind if you and Ginny gang up against me, I'm not a sore loser.
seekercho @ 2003-03-29 11:29 pm UTC |
Oh, Harry, how dreadful. I think I know some extra scouring charms, in case you didn't quite get it all.
And I flew downwind of you a lot tonight, I think you might have missed some.
I'll owl those charms to you.
- Cho
percyneedsalife @ 2003-03-29 04:42 pm UTC |
Chang --
Good for you.
Hurt our sister and the pain you will know will be unimaginable.
All the best,
Fred & George
blushcrush @ 2003-03-29 04:50 pm UTC |
I'll be there as soon as I finish trying to read Goyle's insults!
seekercho @ 2003-03-29 11:43 pm UTC |
Weren't those brilliant? I especially liked mine.
I wonder what will happen when he wakes up tomorrow and realises his soup was charmed at dinner?
I'm sure he's always wanted a pair of breasts of his very own. Really, he very nearly had them already.
blushcrush @ 2003-03-29 11:46 pm UTC *delighted* |
Ooooooh, Cho, you're just awful! I wonder if Malfoy will do a post about them since he's so obsessed with breasts lately!
(parent)seekercho @ 2003-03-30 12:00 am UTC |
I just laughed so hard there's pumpkin juice everywhere!
Ginny, if I'm awful, you're terrible.