seekercho @ 2003-06-02 17:31:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | "The Alchemist," Moldclay |
Oh my goodness I forgot about writing here because everything has been happening this week and I think my head is going to fall off!
First of all WE WON GO RAVENCLAW. I'm sorry some people are sore losers and have to try and find an excuse or a conspiracy about everything but that's their trouble. All I know is that Ravenclaw did their best and it was enough to give us a win and I am very happy about that.
I am relieved too because I was afraid we wouldn't win. My mind has been elsewhere so much lately and I'm even starting to think that Quidditch really isn't something I am interested in anymore or at least for right now. I love being a Seeker but I don't want to do it forever. There is so much more to do! My mum never approved of my playing Quidditch I guess because it was a distraction from study but I tried out anyway and I know why. I did it because it was basically me telling Mum to sod off and let me do what I wanted to do. Now though it seems silly because there are bigger things to worry about going on than Quidditch or even Romania.
Does anybody else read the Daily Prophet? The articles are getting very scary because they go on about the Ministry denying that You-Know-Who is back and I know for a FACT that he is because if he weren't back then Cedric would still be here you know? I mean everybody knows it but I don't know why the Ministry is being so bloody stupid about it. Fudge is an idiot and I am sorry Professor Dumbledore for saying that about an elder but he is an idiot and he makes me worried. I don't even want to leave Hogwarts next month because this is the safest place to be.
I just have a horrid feeling that something is going to happen and it will be very bad. And I don't even take Divination. Maybe I should ask Professor Trelawney about this? Maybe this is that sixth sense I hear Parvati always going on about when she's talking to her sister?
Though you know trusting your instincts is kind of a dodgy thing really. I thought Professor Snape was a horrible man when I first came here but now I think I might be wrong. He's still horrible but I don't think he's as horrible as I thought before. I was down in the dungeons last week crying where no one could see me - Roger you are an ARSE and I hope you get bit by a Runespoor - and Professor Snape found me. I didn't know I was right by his rooms but I was and he wasn't too happy to be disturbed. But I told him why I was down there and I was crying and he looked kind of afraid for a minute and then he sort to told me to shut up and stop it and gave me this really long lecture on letting people control me and telling me what to do when I'm old enough to make up my own mind, and if I had brain one in my head I would ignore my mum and go to Romania or Bavaria or wherever it is I want to go.
And then he did something I never expected him to! He HUGGED me.
Okay it wasn't a hug but it was kind of like a little pat on the shoulder but from Snape I'd call it a hug I guess but then he told me to look after his cat for a bit and feed her and that was actually quite fun. She's very sweet but then you see her go at a Puffskein and it's not so sweet. Lavender would probably throw up if she saw it not that she's got anything left to throw up. Anyway maybe she'd stop being an idiot and calling that cat Bunny. I like its real name!
Anyway I took Professor Snape's advice and when Mum owled back I ignored her and didn't read it and I will deal with her over the hols. I have more important things to do like STUDY and visit with Ginny. I really want to spend more time with her because it's almost the end of term. I think tonight I will steal her from the Gryffindor and take her for a fly. She likes to fly so much!
Oh and Congratulations to Professors Lupin and Black! Rosie is very cute. Harry you have a furry little sister ha ha ha!
I am off to study Potions now. Bye bye!
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-03 06:55 am UTC |
My mind has been elsewhere so much lately and I'm even starting to think that Quidditch really isn't something I am interested in anymore or at least for right now.??????????????
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-03 06:55 am UTC |
My mind has been elsewhere so much lately and I'm even starting to think that Quidditch really isn't something I am interested in anymore or at least for right now.
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-03 06:56 am UTC |
My mind has been elsewhere so much lately and I'm even starting to think that Quidditch really isn't something I am interested in anymore or at least for right now.
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-03 06:58 am UTC |
seekercho @ 2003-06-03 11:12 am UTC |
Oi Ron the caps aren't necessary! Its not like I can't hear you shouting at me from across the library!
Madame Pince is going to make a book out of you and file you away in the back if you don't shut up!
And anyway I don't know what I am going to do about Quidditch. I like it but it's not something I want to do forever. I don't think I could be professional at it and anyway I would rather go work for your brother than fly around catching Snitches for the rest of my life!
Uh oh here comes Pince I'm getting out of here before she hexes me too!!!