sibyllsays @ 2003-11-27 20:54:00

Current mood:all-seeing

The tea leaves are saying something about whales...

All is FOGGY! I do not know what this means!! I am Most distressed!


sinistra @ 2003-11-27 09:02 pm UTC

Perhaps it means, Sibyll, that you've been putting on a bit of weight.

sibyllsays @ 2003-11-27 09:04 pm UTC

I have Not!!

blondenarcissa @ 2003-11-27 09:06 pm UTC

Perhaps if you calmed down, Sibyll, things might become clearer?

onourbrooms @ 2003-11-28 01:01 am UTC

Taking into account Sinistra's opinion on the matter, I'd say that the leaves want you to refrain from eating seafood, I suppose.

goyle @ 2003-11-29 02:40 pm UTC

maybee yu ar goeing tu groa yorselff a spowt.

jus a sugeshtun.

or maybee sumwun yu noe wil be swaload bi a wale.

goyle @ 2003-11-30 03:52 am UTC

orr maybee ets jus wale buggers fer tee agen