sibyllsays @ 2002-11-07 19:59:00

Current mood: giddy
Current music:Love Potion Number 9

Glorious, glorious day!
I have not had a chance yet to comment on [info]blondenarcissa's lovely party, mostly because of the dreadful state of my glassware. Fortunately, the detentions students have been given have been quite good to my glassware, excepting the crystal ball [info]just_harry dropped. I fear he may be unable to change his own destiny. At least he has exhibited some Inner Eye, if only occasionally.

Yes! The party. While I purposefully failed to attend the Halloween Ball (I am sure only a miracle averted the horrible happenings I predicted for that occasion), I had good feelings about the Malfoy Halloween party, and indeed it lived up to my expectations! Directly before I Apparated, I recieved a Sending. I knew, then, that I would meet the most wonderful man at the party - and mysterious, as well!

Knowing that I must look my best for this opportunity, I quickly Transfigured my costume to something a little more risqué - as I had already planned to attend dressed as a fruit bat, I changed it to a black bodysuit, á la the Muggle comic (Batwoman? Batbird? I once was forced to view what Muggles call movies - all I caught of it was this Batperson, but her costume was quite... quite). As soon as I entered, I saw him. Silver hair! Amber eyes! The handsomest man in the room!

I feel sure I need not comment on the rest of the night - and I feel sure that he would not appreciate it in such a public place. To my darling: My heart is yours!

My premonitions are never wrong. After all, this one has come true!

P.S.: I must have somehow missed [info]onourbrooms at the party. I particularly wanted to talk to her, too. C'est la vie - I met someone better!


sinistra @ 2002-11-08 10:02 pm UTC

Oh, Sibyll, thank you for allowing me to laugh at your expense during my trying times.

sibyllsays @ 2002-11-09 08:18 am UTC

What are you talking about?

sinistra @ 2002-11-11 08:38 am UTC

Why don't you consult the oracles?

onourbrooms @ 2002-11-11 05:27 pm UTC

Oh, Sylvia, why begrudge the young and in love? I personally am delighted for Sibyll. I think it's simply fabulous she's met such a stunning gentleman.

Sibyll, dear, rest assured I was with you in spirit.

sibyllsays @ 2002-11-11 09:39 pm UTC

Why thank you!

If you would drop by the tower for a cup of tea, I had wanted to discuss your flying lessons for the week of November the 17th - I fear there may be trouble in store for your first-years. Never let it be said that I don't go out of my way for a kind soul!
