susanbones @ 2002-06-04 11:12:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
oh, well.
i guess everyone knows that hufflepuff lost to slytherin by now. i'm trying not to let it get to me, because there are still two more games for us, but i can't help thinking we could have done better. i could have blocked them from scoring. i love being a keeper, but i don't feel like i'm doing enough all the time. the rest of my team is so great. i just wish the slytherins didn't play so dirty.
i don't really know what to do with a journal. i mean, girls grow up writing in diaries, i think. i used to have a couple. but i'm really not excited about having everyone else read what i have to say.
and now there's this bleu ball thing coming up. i think ernie is asking hannah, and i don't know where that leaves me. i thought me and ernie might go together, but he keeps mentioning the ball to hannah. i guess i'd rather go with someone else anyway. ernie and i are really good friends. i wouldn't want anything to happen at the ball to mess that up.
and i think i've written enough in here now.
potterstinks @ 2002-06-04 04:13 am UTC |
Well, of course you could have done better. But don't worry, Bones, you'll never be good enough to beat Slytherin. No need to berate yourself too much.
just_harry @ 2002-06-04 03:50 pm UTC |
Susan is more than good enough to beat Slytherin. You guys just got lucky. And if you can't score, well, you can win all the matches you want. You just won't win the House Cup.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-06-04 06:57 pm UTC |
Lucky? We got lucky? That's not what you said before, Potter. Are you suggesting that some sort of luck was the cause of my win? That's awfully self-centred of you, isn't it!
I'll have you know that I won that bloody match all by my own skills, and you know it already. But it won't hurt to remind you. You're changing your tune now that everyone's realised what you meant, but don't think I'll fall for that.
Lucky, indeed. I suppose you'd know a thing or two about getting lucky, wouldn't you?
just_harry @ 2002-06-06 01:22 am UTC |
Do you really think that I put some sort of Probability Charm on you, Malfoy? Are you off your head?
It's just a SAYING. That's all it is, it doesn't mean ANYTHING. People say things like that all the time. But probably no one ever wishes you luck ever, do they? Because you don't need luck, do you? You've got your father to buy you a spot on the team, and buy you good marks, and buy you people who pretend like they're your friends. And you think that's just great, don't you? But it makes me feel SORRY for you.
Go away, Malfoy. Leave Susan alone. And leave me, Ron and Hermione alone while you're at it, okay?
susanbones @ 2002-06-04 10:28 pm UTC |
you don't have to be a lousy winner, malfoy. i said it was a fair game, ok? it's really not nice to gloat.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-06-04 11:14 pm UTC |
That's funny, because it works out rather nicely for me. Don't be such a sore loser.
(parent)![]() just_harry @ 2002-06-04 03:58 pm UTC |
It isn't fair, the Slytherins do cheat. I can't believe that Madame Hooch didn't see Millicent pull Justin's broom out from under him - you really should have had a penalty shot there. And even with all their cheating, and even with catching the Snitch, they still barely won. I don't think that you should be so hard on yourself. You played a great game, and so did the rest of your team. And I bet you'll do well against Ravenclaw, too.
So, you don't have anyone to go to the ball with you? I don't, either. I think that I might just not go, but I don't know. It could be fun. I haven't really decided yet.
susanbones @ 2002-06-04 06:27 pm UTC |
well, maybe millicent didn't do it on purpose, i mean not that millicent wouldn't do that but i've gotten to know her a bit and... ok, she probably did. i think the rest of my team did really well, i just hope i didn't let them down. they can't help it if the slytherins are mean. :( but malfoy did catch the snitch, i guess.
i don't know who i'm going to the ball with :( i really do want to go, because i had tons of fun at the yule ball. oh, but you didn't look like you had much fun then. i don't know, i guess i'm kinda girlish ;) but balls aren't really important.
seekercho @ 2002-06-06 12:00 am UTC |
For what its worth, I think you played a great game of Quidditch. :) Don't let the Slytherins get you down; we all know who the better team really is.
susanbones @ 2002-06-06 12:58 am UTC Re: |
thanks, cho :) but, um, my name is susan. hannah is, um, i guess the "other" hufflepuff girl?
um, who is the better team? hufflepuff? thank you :)
good luck against gryffindor!
seekercho @ 2002-06-06 01:41 am UTC |
(ack, um, that was a mishap on my part. I didnt mean the Hannah. now I feel stupid. ^_^ *wishes you could edit the replies*)
Yes, the Hufflepuff team is the better team. Its just awful the Slytherins can away with what they do.
And thanks. ^_^