wehaveseven @ 2004-04-14 13:05:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
my boy!
I've just got an owl and Charlie is coming home soon!!!!! Although with the relaibility of owls from Romania to here he may have sent this yesterday or it could just be a waylaid owl from his last visit home! Oh well, good to hear from him either way.. Charlie if you've read this and you're not actually travelling, be a dear and let us know when you sent that, won't you?...the Burrow's been a bit full lately but, mostly everyone's cleared out except the family and Hermione who might as well be. I do wish Bill and the twins would come home as well but I know they're all very busy. Percy was here for a day! I do feel so sad about all my boys leaving the Burrow, maybe Ron and Ginny can stay forever. Bill wrote to us last week to say he and his girlfriend are doing all right so that's good. I've had to lock up the shop for the twins, I went to see them yesterday and they were out as usual, left it unlocked, irresponsible as usual! They're lucky I have a spare key! Percy's been terribly busy with this Pettigrew business.. oh it makes me feel just sick knowing that thing was living with us, sitting in the pockets of two of my children! And oh, with Ginny too, I just get so angry!!!!
Arthur's having his dinners late once again, out before I'm even awake sometimes. I had a firechat with Dumbledore this morning, he says we should be safe and he thinks Pettigrew, went back to You-Know-Who as soon as he got out but I just don't know... I don't like thinking of that thing living with my children, I feel like he'd come after Percy or Ron even though I know that would be the stupid thing for him to do, go back where he's already been.
And I'm so worried about dear Harry... I know he's such a strong boy but the idea of him with that horrible scar hurting just makes me so sick. I'm glad they've gone on holiday, lord knows Harry deserves it and I absolutely agree with Mr Lupin, we can't let this thing run our lives you know. It's not fair for a boy to spend all his childhood worrying about things like this and not having holidays and ice creams and stupid games.
Anyway, I'm to take Ginny and Hermione into Diagon Alley this afternoon! Of course, Ron, you're welcome to tag along if you don't mind being seen with your old mum and a couple of girls. ;)
perfectprefect @ 2004-04-15 12:02 pm UTC |
Though it is true that I do work quite often, I assure you that I am never too busy for my family. I am sorry that you are feeling the 'empty nest' syndrome. I do wonder if mothers with greater numbers of children are inclined to feel this more severely than those with just one or two, as the absence of children may feel more sudden and obvious. This shall be something to ponder.
Yes, I am in fact quite busy with the Ministry lately! Very keen of you to notice, Mother. I am pleased that you have observed that I am moving up in the world. I do wish that Father were not so staunchly set upon staying in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office, as I do think that he could move at a rate almost as quick as mine, but you do know Father. He, too, has been a great help during this time of distress.
However, I must assure you that despite my many obligations, I would not wish to cancel appointments with loved ones for work. Family should, of course, come first, or at a very close second at the very least.
I am not certain that you are correct about Professor Lupin, however. I do not know that it is entirely appropriate to spend time jubilantly at this conjuncture. While there is time for fun and games, there must also be a time to be serious.
![]() pennyclearwater @ 2004-04-15 12:11 pm UTC |
I thought that we were to have lunch this afternoon, Hotspur. Now I find you barricaded behind a pile of scrolls in your office! Is there something you need to tell me?
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2004-04-15 12:29 pm UTC |
Oh, yes! I am sorry, Miss Clearwater. A great deal of work has come in and I am afraid that I shall have to cancel our appointment. Why did you fail to say hello if you stopped by my office? Alas! We shall have to reschedule.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2004-04-15 12:43 pm UTC |
Superlative! Although I do not recall setting that time.
(parent)pennyclearwater @ 2004-04-15 12:16 pm UTC |
I know just how you feel, Molly. I know that Percy and Ron are fine, but the very idea of Pettigrew living with either one of them is terrifying. I am glad to hear that you aren't doing badly, though.
I think a holiday is a fine idea. I can't help wondering if Percy needs one himself. In fact, I would enjoy one as well! My department isn't completely overwhelmed, thankfully, but we do have our share.
Please give my love to Arthur, Ron and Ginny.
wehaveseven @ 2004-04-15 12:26 pm UTC |
Hello, Penelope!! Are you pregnant yet?!
I think you and Percy should take a nice long holiday.
perfectprefect @ 2004-04-15 12:43 pm UTC |
Mother! I do not think that sort of commentary is appropriate.
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2004-04-15 12:38 pm UTC |
Yes, just like when you used to say you wanted to be with Mummy forever and ever!!