wehaveseven @ 2003-04-27 19:35:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
of Weasleys and others.
As head of the Weasley family, I deftly managed to gather all children together and then secure then with duck tape so they could not just sodding well scamper off, like one or two or JUST ONE FRED seemed to be considering. After duck taping family together and calling wife back from France, I came to the conclusion that the computer mouse on my chin - though extremely fetching, even had a plug - needed to come off. Oh, yes, all right, and the stapler on my arm though I really think that could have stayed there!!!!!1 ANYWAY.
Took the lead and led! Majority of children came with me up to the hospital wing after we'd waited around for Harry for as long as we could - WELL LOOK, STORY GOES LIKE THIS the mouse was making my cheek twitch, all zappy-like so I thought I'd be able to just duck up to the Hospital Ward and get it taken off but then Molly didn't want me to head off by myself with a mouse on my chin and so the whole family had to come! Thought we'd be all quickerlygibbet about it but once procession of duck taped children got up there, found Lupin and Black and sleeping Potter!
Ronald's proceeded to shake the boy awake. Can't say much for Ronald, though, the shaking must have finally conked it out of him and he's pretty well robbed Harry of his hospital cot. Nothing wrong with Harry, from the looks of him, though can't say the same for Remus. A draw, he says, but he's also slurring and looking a spot worse for wear. Good thing Black's here to hold the poor chap's hand.
Wife and I are heading back home now. To the house, not the shed. :D
Good luck with the duck tape, children!