wehaveseven @ 2003-04-28 11:38:00

Current mood: amused

Best Monday Morning EVER!!!!!1
Monday mornings aren't usually the brightest, are they? HOWEVER. I was on my way down through administration today, heading out for my morning tea (three pumpkin scones and a flask of grape and melon juice, thank you!) when I spotted an extremely young-looking Lucius Malfoy loafing around near the admin desk and no doubt making a nuisance of himself, he's bloody good like that. HOWEVER. Was actually young master Draco, loafing around near the admin desk and no doubt making a nuisance of himself.

Asked Martha on reception what he was doing loafing around near the admin desk and no doubt making a nuisance of himself - SHE tells me the little blighter's filed an application for position of Minister of Magic! My bloody oath he has, says I, who had my application in a couple of months ago! Martha even had the nerve to consider filing his application for ALL OF TWO SECONDS. "He is a school prefect!" Says she! "HE WAS A SCHOOL PREFECT!" SAYS I.

Marched the young man back up to Hogwarts where he belongs. Finish your Secondary education before you try and take on those boots, Mini Malfoy.

ANYWAY! Back to work. Managed to avoid wrath of Remus Lupin as was only up at Hogwarts for all of five seconds. AM A VERY BUSY MAN. IMPORTANT, TOO.



blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-28 08:03 am UTC

Draco is applying for summer jobs as per his father's wishes. My Little Dragon does have high expectations and standards in selecting his holiday employment but that is a very admirable quality. I do think he would make a dashing Minister of Magic. Mr. Fudge is getting on in years and his robes are so last decade.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

wehaveseven @ 2003-04-28 08:16 am UTC

A whatta? Excuse me? STOP SIGN, A BLOODY LOT MORE PEOPLE WOULD BE CONSIDERED BEFORE A CHILD. Narcissa, I know you're a little wibbleflangy but if you honestly think he would EVER BE CONSIDERED --


blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-28 08:25 am UTC

Stop sign? Wibbleflangy? Flozgrobbled?

Honestly, Arthur. Can you please stop speaking in Mermish? I cannot understand what you are trying to say. Perhaps that is why your own application was overlooked. Dear man, Mermish is a dead language, even among the Mermish. Are you trying to impress me with your ability to speak foreign languages? I know I am rather irrestible, Arthur, but do try and contain yourself.

Draco is not a child. He is a little man.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

wehaveseven @ 2003-04-28 04:27 pm UTC

Own application not overlooked, still sitting on record, THANKS VERY MUCH.

Please go away now, I'm torn between throwing my head back and laughing, and coming to stuff a sheet down your throat. A dirty one. Like the ones my wife never has to touch again from your filthy pigpen.
