wehaveseven @ 2003-06-24 01:48:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | rushed but there's still nothing to DO |
Not much time right now so I'll make this quick but I needed to - just - son, girl? I've seen the kids commenting and I've seen you commenting too, Ronald, bit uncalled for really in times like this, pull your head back in a little bit, son, because Dumbledore's obviously doing what he can and Harry'll be fine, mate, he's been through worse than this, hasn't he? Well, he possibly hasn't but I'm sure he'll be fine so please don't try and get out into the corridors and look for him, just keep yourself tucked up in the hall there or in your common room or in your dorm even, can you get up there? Anyway look after your sister and look after yourself, and the sooner we get you home, the better. Ginny, my baby girl, look after your brother and don't let him get into trouble and don't get yourself into trouble either, I saw you wanted to go look for your little friend but trust me, someone will find her I swear and it doesn't have to be you, if you want then just do what you can for the kids in the triage or have they been moved to the hospital wing now? If the trip's safe enough then I guess do something, girl, but watch your own head as well and I know I can't dictate to you like this but do what you can I suppose because they'll need someone's help too and you're such a clever girl, everyone will be wanting your help.
As for myself, I've been flooing and apparating to and from the Ministry and the Burrow here and trying to find out what I can and trying to get someone doing something but everyone is so bloody stupid, just standing around and discussing things like they were in last week's Prophet and they're not, these things are today's news and Hogwarts news and that's my kids in there. Of course I can't bloody get anything started, stuck in my department that doesn't get two looks-over when something like this happens, but I'll be damned if I can't do something, ANYTHING right now because that's my kids, that's my kids.
I'm not sure yet if they're letting us onto the grounds, I think parents are expressly forbidden and sure, that's reasonable enough because you get some nutters like people I specifically won't name right now but gosh, I wouldn't want to see them let loose on the kids who're still in shock and getting over this and accepting that something like this could happen to Hogwarts, Hogwarts, but I'm bloody doing what I can and I'm setting it straight and I want my kids home right now so I'm doing whatever it takes and who needs caffeine when you've got adrenalin and fear, right?
wehaveseven @ 2003-06-23 10:13 pm UTC |
Oh, honey, I'm working on it, believe you me, it's just going to take a bit longer than I'd thought but just sit tight, we all have you in our prayers, sit tight and think about how great another Summer at the Burrow's going to be because it'll be the best one ever with all of us.
Lots of love, Dad.
blushcrush @ 2003-06-23 10:36 pm UTC |
Colin and Soblessa are missing and Cho's arm is lost and Harry can't be found, lots of girls are saying that Parvati Patil Saw this coming and she gave me a reading in the triage and told me to Sleep with one eye Open and so I haven't slept at all.
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2003-06-23 10:39 pm UTC |
It'll be okay! Things will be okay! I'm your dad, that's my job to make things okay and I'm trying, I swear, princess, get some sleep, I'm your eye so get some sleep and rest up and stay strong.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-06-23 10:11 pm UTC |
I can't talk for long, I'm overdue in Albus's office.
Do what you can at the Ministry but don't butt heads with anyone if you don't have to. We need you there. This was planned. I don't know how we missed it, but this was planned. That's all I can say right now.
Your children are all right and will remain so, under my watch. Tell Molly to watch the fire - I'll try and get Ginny or Ron up for a chat as soon as I can.
Keep in touch.
- Remus
wehaveseven @ 2003-06-23 10:17 pm UTC |
Thank God, Remus, someone sensible. PLANNED? I'll do what I can to keep my head down but it's hard, Remus, that's my kids in there and it's still unsafe to a degree, I mean, if it was planned once, it can be planned again, right? I'm not cutting heads off up at the MoM yet, but I'm not far off it, I'll say that much. Times like these, I wish I was useful, and not just some bumbling Muggle-lover.
I'll get Molly to watch the fire, she's fit to bursting with worry still, as you'd well imagine. Just, look after my kids, Remus, please.
And, thank you.
percyneedsalife @ 2003-06-23 10:52 pm UTC |
Dad, do you want to Apparate as close as we can to the school and see if we can get in now?
wehaveseven @ 2003-06-23 10:55 pm UTC |
I don't know if we should run the risk, boys. Minerva seems pretty set on no parents getting in, so we'd be hung from our toes if we were seen. They're all right, fellas. We'll get them home soon.
Please, please don't get yourselves into anything, it's bad enough seizing up over two kids, let alone four. Your mother's made so many batches of scones that the pantry's full, and you know how big the pantry is, so come help me eat some of them.