wheresmytoad @ 2002-05-26 13:42:00 |
Current mood: | happy |
Current music: | Some muggle music Harry likes. |
I got a new frog!
Lavender and I had fun in Hogsmeade this weekend! We went to the pet store, and she helped me pick out new pets:

They're tree frogs. Harry named one Petunia, and the other one's Trevor 2. I wanted to get another toad, but Lavender said these were cuter, and they could stay in a tank so they wouldn't get lost. I guess she's right.
Harry and Ron went to talk to the snakes. The owner kept giving them funny looks.
The Three Broomsticks was fun! Terry and Justin got us all to play a game with butterbeer. We got thrown out, but it was bril!
I had to make two trips because Professor McGonagall told me I should get some extra cauldrons, too. I'm glad she told me, I would have forgotten.
Anyway, time to go. Ron wants to throw darts at the picture of Malfoy he stuck over the computer.