wheresmytoad @ 2003-07-19 07:14:00

Current mood: thoughtful

I don't know what has gotten into Gran lately.

My great uncle and great aunt came over for dinner last night. And after dinner, Great Uncle Algie followed me to my room, and after a great deal of embarrassed hemming and hawing asked if I wanted to talk. You know, To Talk. About the facts of life, and girls and things. By the time I figured out what he was getting at, I'm sure I was almost as red as he was. But he was determined, and I couldn't convince him to shut up until I finally told him I'd read books and things.

Well, it came clear pretty quickly that he hadn't embarrassed himself so horribly because he'd wanted to; Gran had sicced him on me. 'What on earth's the matter with her?' I asked him in despair.

'She's worried about you, Neville.'

'She doesn't need to worry about me. I'm fine.'

Edited to add: I'd just posted this, when Gran came into my room to talk to me, too. I guess Uncle Algie said something to her before he left last night. She told me she'd been thinking about what I'd said to her the other night. She wanted to apologize to me, which floored me. She told me she trusted my judgment, and she wanted me to know that if I fell in love with anyone, and it turned out to be a muggle, I shouldn't worry that she would object.

'I suppose I was just afraid of losing you,' she said simply, looking really uncomfortable. 'I just don't know anything about that world, really, and well, I've already lost your father, you see.'

Well, this was a horribly embarrassing conversation, too, but it gave me a lot to think about. I've just been enjoying spending time with Sara, not thinking much beyond that, but it's clear Gran has. I was startled how far she's been thinking ahead, to things I've never considered.


