wheresmytoad @ 2003-08-27 18:19:00 |
Current mood: | lonely |
Clearing out my locker at work
I went into work for the last time this morning to clear out my locker and say goodbye. I also gave Sara a gift:

Mr. Takakura has been teaching me about bonsai this summer. This little juniper is too young to have much of a shape yet, but I expect it'll turn out all right. At first, I thought I should put a charm on it to make sure it grows really well. But I decided in the end not to do that. Sara knows how to take care of plants, so I know the tree will do just fine. She knows about bonsai too, so she can sort of shape it and make it grow the way that she likes. And, well, this is kind of hard to explain, but . . . all the time I knew Sara, I was like a muggle to her. It's best that I don't give her anything that's magic, because the magical me wasn't the me that she knew.
She told me she liked it, very much, and I knew that she did. She gave me a kiss when she said goodbye.
Bonsai trees can live for years and years. I know she'll keep it, as long as it lives.
I've bought my school supplies. It sounds strange to say it, but I think I'm really ready to go back to school now.