wheresmytoad @ 2004-03-30 20:37:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
I'm feeling my usual spring restlessness, which I'm handling the normal way, by ripping up all my pots in the greenhouse and repotting everything. The bonsai'd venomous tentacula may not survive--doubtless to the relief of all the first and second year students who were clueless enough to get too close to the pot this past winter.
Everyone's starting to panic a bit about NEWTs (well, there are some who started panicking a year ago). I've been hitting the books hard, but I try to do at least one totally irresponsible thing every other day, just to keep myself from going totally barmy. Like going to the Ravenclaw party last Friday and making an ass of myself dancing the Wanderana until the wee hours of the morning. Or letting Hermione beat me four times in a row playing Cleudo. Or . . . well, maybe I'd better not mention that.
Got a letter from Gran, who seems to be operating under the (totally mistaken) impression that of course I'll be moving back home when I leave school. Am trying to decide how to break the news to her: Um, no. But thanks ever so much for asking, Gran.
What are the rest of you planning to live when we leave this place? (Or are you not thinking that far ahead, or totally unconvinced you will survive NEWTs?)