wheresmytoad @ 2003-06-03 19:29:00

Current mood:miserable
Current music:It's Not Easy Being Green

Number of points I lost for Gryffindor in Potions: 30. Professor Snape has started noticing me again.

Number of points I lost for Gryffindor in Charms: 5. Professor Flitwick is easygoing, but even he couldn't ignore the fact that I didn't have my homework to hand in. Just couldn't bring myself to work on it last night.

Number of points I lost for Gryffindor in Transfiguration: 15.

Number of books in my bookbag that were ruined when my ink pot became uncorked. Four. And the extra assignment parchment I'd gotten for Potions from Professor Snape. He took another 5 points away because I had to go back to him to ask for another copy.

Number of people from other houses who more or less told me to drop dead today: five. Three from Hufflepuff (who've been talking to [info]finch_fletchley) and two from Ravenclaw (who've been talking to [info]turpinol). Oh, and also [info]crabbe from Slytherin, but he hardly counts since he's always threatening to beat me up anyway.

Number of people from my own house who have said anything at all to me today: Um.

Absolutely none.

It'll be best if I stay out of everyone's way tonight, I think. Don't look for me in the common room. I'll find a nice, quiet hole somewhere in the library.



turpinol @ 2003-06-03 09:32 pm UTC

I haven't talked to any of the Ravenclaws about you, Neville.

wheresmytoad @ 2003-06-04 07:20 am UTC

Oh. All right. Sorry, then, my wrong. Guess they decided they're mad at me all on their own.

turpinol @ 2003-06-05 12:41 am UTC

Well, believe it or not, some people do form their opinions. I'm hardly pulling all of Ravenclaw's puppet strings, because you know, aside from when I'm reading your journal I don't think about you at all.
