^_^ /o~o\ ---I'm bored. Hopefully / V \ one of my zany cast / / \ \ of friends will be \ / along soon. "' "' --------------------------------------------------- Hi!------------- \ / 0 0 ----Fuck! You're /\ \~/ /\ ^_^ / huge. What the / \( )/ \ /o~o\ hell are you /\ ( ) /\ / V \ supposed to be / \( )/ \ / / \ \ anyway? /\ ( ) /\ \ / / \( )/ \ "' "' - | v --------------------------------------------------- I hope that's---- \ / an egg... 0 0 /\ \o/ /\ ^_^ ----Yes: a brown egg! / \( )/ \ /x~x\ Do you see? /\ ( ) /\ / V \ / \( )/ \ / / \ \ It smells--- /\ ( ) /\ \ / / \( )/ \ "' "' - o | v -------------------------------------------------- ^_^ /o~o\ ---shit. / V \ / / \ \ Dirty bastard----- \ / "' "' o -----------------------END------------------------