|   |
|   |   ^_^ ---Booyakasha! Aiii, I
|   |  /o~o\   is wicked!
| ()| /  v  \                            _A_
|   |/ /   \ \     Colin, you can't go   =O   _
|   |  \   /\      ripping off other ---- |__//
|   ==="'="'=\=    people's catchphrases  \__|
|   ==========\    to make yourself look   ||
|   |          \   cool.             _A_   **
|   |           \                    =O   _    _A_
|   |       Yeah, but no, but yeah!   |__// _A_=O   _
|   |       Don't give me evils!      \__|  =O  |__//
|   |                                  ||    |__//_|
|   |                                  **    \__|||
|   |                                         || **
|   |                                         **
|   |
|   |   ^_^       Told you he was pathetic.
|   |  /o~o\--\   Come on guys, let's go\
| ()| /  v  \  \  drink cider and listen -----_A_
|   |/ /   \ \  \ to Blazin' Squad.            O=
|   |  \   /\    \                         \\__|
|   ==="'="'===   \                         |__/
|   ===========    No! Come back! I'm        ||
|   |              hip! I'm with it!         **   _A_
|   |                                   _A_    _   O=
|   |                                _   O=_A_ \\__|
|   |      Get your own catchphrases,\\__|  O=  |__/
|   |      you old skank!------------ |_\\__|    ||
|   |                                  |||__/    **
|   |                                  ** ||
|   |                                     **
         /o~o\------Grrr... I would have gotten
        /  v  \     away with it if it wasn't
       / /   \ \    for those pesky kids!
         \   /\
         "' "'