I've been busy over the last few
days, loading my entire music
collection onto my new iPod.
        |    Wow! What does it sound like?
        |         \
        |          \     (o)(o)
   ^_^  |           \   @  <>  @ 
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/ /   \ \                 >||<      
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  "' "'                    LL          
Actually, I've found that music sounds
very different when you listen to it
through headphones. You can pick out
things that get lost in the muddy
acoustics of a living room.
              |             Like what?
             /                    |
            /            (o)(o)   |
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/ /   \ \                 >||<      
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  "' "'                    LL          
Well, mostly I can hear the screaming
of children, and the marching of a
thousand tortured souls as they continue
their fruitless journey through the
sick joke that is life.
            /            (o)(o)
   ^_^     /            @  <>  @ 
  /o~o\   /               ~~~~  
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/ /   \ \                 >||<      
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  "' "'                    LL          
                     Sounds... interesting.
Yeah, but it really wears me down     |
after a while. Especially when I'm    |
trying to listen to Rick Astley.      |
             /                       /
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   ^_^     /            @  <>  @   /
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  "' "'                    LL          