OK, this time I can really
    feel a presence in the room.
    We'll just need to turn the
    lights out... |                 __
               ___|______________   O \\
              /   |              \  C  \\
            ~~~   |               \ =_/||
            ~~o  /               ___| |\\
           /| > /               O___  |
          / | o/                    __|
          \ |\#                    O @|
           \| ___                  c  /\
            | ___O                 ~_/ /|
            | |                  ___ |/||
            |_|                 O___ | ||
            \ \\                   | | ||
             \__\                  |_|
             ===|\________________// /
            //  ||__|           ||__/
           //   ||            _/||===
                ||           |__||  \\
                                ||   \\
\\\\\\\\\\Now, all stay quiet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\and concentrate...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ARGH! Derren! There's \\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\something touching my\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\legs! It's going up my \\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Hang on, I'll get the\\\\\\\\\
                   Wow... I feel like I've
                   had a real encounter with
                   a ghost! Thanks Derren!
                                 \  __
               __________________ \ O \\
              /                  \ \C  \\
            ~~~                   \ =_/||
            ~~o                  ___| |\\
           /| >     Er, yeah... O___  |
          / | o-----a ghost!        __|
          \ |\#     That's what    O @|
           \| ___   it was!        c  /\
            | ___O                 ~_/ /|
            | |                  ___ |/||
            |_|                 O___ | ||
            \ \\                   | | ||
             \__\                  |_|
             ===|\________________// /
            //  ||__|           ||__/
           //   ||            _/||===
                ||           |__||  \\
                                ||   \\